'Horrible' is a bit harsh on yourself. Think less of the instrument's relationship with music and more about the instrument's relationship with you.
My music teacher (when he was young and learning) played the congas and his teacher was this cynical Chinese man. One day he dropped his congas and there was a crack in the side that made it sound pathetic and flat. He wanted to blame that crack on the reason that he couldn't make the congas sound good. And his teacher said, a true musician can make anything sound good.
I have faith that you can make anything sound good. It shouldn't be easy, if it's easy, there's no real struggle, so you have no journey with your own music meaning there can't be any true emotion in it.
Good luck with it.
Does big news have to do with the MAC? :D
that it's going up tomorrow! HELLZ YEAH!
but no.