Mmmm... leavin' a comment...
Well, basically, very well done. Outshines some of your previous work by quite a bit. I'm not in much of a mood for long things today, so I'll leave it at that. Oh, right, and your latest songs have been downloaded and added to my playlists ;)
how did you make that song, did you use a computer application or an actual orchestra? if you're using a computer app, please tell me which one :D (don't do it if you don't want to, only if you can and want to)
I wouldn't mind tell you at all :D! I used Fruity Studio's 6 for that song, but the orchestra sounds you heard in that song are not from FS itself. I used external plug-in programs calls VST's.
In regards to that, I used East West Symphonic Orchestra Gold PRO XP, and a whole bunch of 3xOsc, which ARE part of FS!
Let me know if you want anything more answers!