How much is it? It looks like a lot of fun to just play around with and experiment. Thanks for sharing this with us maestro.
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Age 37, Male
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Joined on 8/22/06
How much is it? It looks like a lot of fun to just play around with and experiment. Thanks for sharing this with us maestro.
only 90US!
I've seen some programs with the same concept of evolving synths for well over 600 dollars, so this was an insane incentive!
Try the demo! It's fully functional for 3 weeks (and counts days only when you use them, so you get 21 days of full functionality anytime)
I'm very impressed with how these guys go about business as well as their low prices.
Glad you liked it as well!
Amazing stuff! Thanks for sharing this, I've got to try it as soon as I've got the time. The video alone has nearly convinced me to buy it.
Another thought, the applications for EDM are pretty obvious here - I'm pretty interested to hear how artists like you would use it though, especially if you learned to take it to its full potential. ;D
I've already done some serious messing around with it. It's just AWESOME man. It's also one of the very few VST's I know that let's Fruity automate it through the last tweaked menu. It's possible to automate the mod wheel, the turning effect, each individual branch, and ALL of the sliders and interface.
I never thought i'd be so excited for a synth :D!
I hope I can learn it properly. I know I have a long ways to go but I think this is the funnest way to get there fo sho! Try the demo, sariously cool
cool.really complicated, but cool
not that complicated really :), I mean yes it throws a lot of things at you, but this is actually one of the easier to pick up tools i've found. There are some which will shove dozens of ports and wires at your face and leave you to it. Though the real pros love this kind of stuff, it makes me a sad panda.
µTonic is capable of pretty cool sounds too, but Synplant just won me.
BTW, check out Tonehammer: <a href=""></a> - they're making pretty sweet experimental stuff, Cylindrum kicks ass :)
woooh... dude.
Tonehammer is CRAZY :D! These guys are on crack or genius. Picked out a few I really liked. The Devil's Cello is scary D:
I've been contemplating buying some professional synth software, but my wallet's not exactly liking what I'm seeing. I'll def give the demo a go, if it's really as diverse as the vid makes it out to be, I'd love to shell out the money for it. That is, if they accept paypal.
they do, and I think you will be pleasantly pleased. I know I was. I haven't bought it just yet but I'm going to drop the cash on it soon.
i cant wait to see like, your most ultimate peace with this! it seems so easy yet very good at the same time! i hope the money spending this is all worth it!
I hope so too! I don't know how amazingly amazing I can be with it of course, i'm not very good with synths just yet. We'll see!
This instrument goes beyond just amazing. It's sexy. Not pornstar sexy, it's supermodel sexy. Unfortunately, I don't think neither of my computers could handle the engine in this particular VST.
Besides, I got a CD to finish anyway, but when I do, this will be the first thing I'll mess around with. This is absolutely perfect for pretty much any electronic genre, and especially for ambient and trance.
it's rather light actually BAB! I mean it hasn't even peaked 3% for my PC which is another great thing about this bugger. The GUI looks fancy but I don't think it would blog you down. Get the demo when you get the chance :D!
Downloaded. Loving it. Will buy for sure.
Hey Maestro, would you be up for a SynPlant ambient collab with me?
hellz yeah man! What better way to get into the bugger's shell eh?! Alright you're on, let's make it awesome. Only Synplant! PM details, tempo, key and stuff!
Very cool indeed! =D
I especially love the demos!
me too ^___________^. Definitely gonna try the demo out today 'n stuff.