For a long while now i've been looking for something new. For years i've been using the same tools, the same sounds, the same set up. These tools have long list their ability to inspire and have in fact began to deform my dreams and visions. Slow progress has become almost non existent and with time it gets worse. This is no writers block. No, this is something much more permanent.
For this reason I have taken up a full time job, which eats up roughly 50 hours a week. I intentionally asked for this gross overtime because of overtime pay (1.5 times normal pay for every hour above 40).
I have decided to COMPLETELY rehaul my setup. It would be stupid to say i'm going to get rid off all my other tools. A mighty penny given for them, and hell if i'm going to lose them. But i've forced myself to use these uninspiring sounds time and time again because I DID pay for them.
But now i'm going to come out of the closet, and just say what I want to say.
East West... you guys have dropped the ball so many times, and have produced such mediocre crap recently that i've lost all faith in continuing my dreams with you. Your sounds have become grating, your attitude has become snotty and pretentious (these guys are like the Microsoft for audio software), and I will have nothing more to do with you.
I was young, I was blind, I went for the biggest library with the lowest cost. I'm still young and blind, but not so blind that I don't see your gaping holes anymore. I'm done with you.
Feels good to say that. Feels bad that I have to now scrounge up 2.5 grand to re-establish. The site does enough to maintain itself, and provides no additional income *i'm fine with that*, and the free work I do does nothing for me *not that I plan to change that*
so for the next 2 months (planned to get $3,200 by then), my small corner on the internet will dwindle, and may slowly die. I hope most of you will still be here to hear the muse spinning my gears when return :D!
Please tell all when you do get your new set up.
I, myself am saving up for the EW programs. But I don't think it'll bother me as it does you, because I think that you have much more ambition than myself.
Good luck with your work and your music. Hope to see ya bigger and better on the return.
I wouldn't say I have more ambition. It's largely like... well you know how everybody hates Sytrus? It's something like that. I've used, and heard these samples SO much that i've begun to hear the songs in my head with them, and since i'm no longer a big fan of those sounds, the inspiration hits less often, and less effectively.
I will let you know with progress. Thus far I have accrued roughly $220