For what can only be imagined forever, the Audio forum has had its guardian rear his mighty ban blade and threadicator and kept the audio forum clean and chilled. From his first day where red forum blood flew all over the walls and uncontrolled voices were damned to silence.
(for up to 30 days ffs!!!)
Today marks the day this guardian leaves us. All too often I forget that not everybody here can stay here forever. Things come up, life changes and we must accommodate. His stepping down today reminded me that even though I like to think we're all a family here on Newgrounds. Sometimes we have to break the illusion and move on.
lighting a candle for you Rucks, keep it safe and legal. And remember
like how there are no girls on the internet, there is no life outside of it.
Come back soon :(
Life was not worth living before the intertubes.