Epic War 2 has been released! Play it :D! It's awesome. The developer of Epic War made this truly inspiring sequel Epic War 2. A great honor to be a part of this project!
In other news, I've decided to start showing tracks in the works to interested members through youtube clicks (like below). This way I can show everybody what's going on behind the scenes while releasing tracks for download only after approval of the director and developer of the project's they're for.
This song in particular is still not fully finished. I'm adding LadyArsenic's incredible voice to it later tonight. This particular song is for a secret project atm (I don't want to give away any info without the developers permission). It is however a remix and remake of my much older song Dark Skies, lovingly called now, Dark Heavens ;D!
Enjoy! I apologize for the crappy rendering. I don't know how people get good sound on YouTube, any ideas or suggestions how I can make clips not sound like crap would be awesome!
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Good job, man! I've been playing that game for too long today... :( I love it.
Needs online multiplayer, though...