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A couple days ago my Ministry of Rock library package came in and i've been busting out teh tunes all the time. Currently me and LadyArsenic are engrossed in another collab which is a story of two great forces of darkness combating each other for the supreme title, Legend of Darkness. Without giving too much of the story away the characters consist of one ruthless brutal War Lord, or Void Knight and a sly nimble Siren, who is of course sung by our own LadyArsenic.
The way it will work is each villain will be given a number of instruments to depict their nature, and depending on the battle status the instruments will respond. For example at the beginning the Void Knight initiates the fight, blade slashing, tearing apart the scenery, huge waves of destructive force shattering the silence and raising the ocean to the sky, booming explosions riddling the surface as if scattered leaves from a dying tree.
The Void Knight's instruments are largely guitar, chants, the Siren's will be the flute and strings. This is not all of course, but more will be revealed at a later date.
On another note, our very own DarKsidE555 decided to show me why I should never ever waste 500 dollars on synth guitars again with his awesome juice thrust over the song.
Rig has pleasantly taken it upon himself to add some sweet sweet arse additions on top.
Due to some unforseen but very fortunate events Rig and DarKsidE555 will both be official members of this project! I am very happy to have them both helping!
I assume I should put leave some update notes here for both the collab members as well as people following the project.
Update: January 30th 2008
- Rig is currently working on creating the percussion lines for the entire song. The song's battle parts, or really the parts which need percussion are fully done, percussion has been put off production to let Rig have as much room as possible. Additional bass lines and further tweaks are put in this trust worthy hands
- I am done all of LadyArsenic's parts. There is the climactic ending part to finish which I am working with LadyArsenic on now.
- DarKsidE555 knows what the entire piece will sound like, and is generating ideas and playing to replace the synth guitar work.
Song currently: 4:30 in length, another minute or so for the sad ending is predicted.
Estimated length: 5:30'ish
Some questions that have been pm'ed or asked on Rig's post, here for you in case you are also wondering.
Q: Who will submit this collab?
A: For now I will submit it under this account, of course full credits, links are going to be given to all collab members, and the second the multi audio author system is in place, they're all going up there.
Q: What Genre is it?
A: Honestly I couldn't tell you. It's got a lot of power metal in it, so I SUPPOSE we could put it in Heavy Metal, but it will also have an incredibly high level of instruments of the orchestral variety, so really i'm going to go for Classical, however if DarKsidE555 beefs it up with enough metal, I suppose we would have no choice :D!!!
Q: When will it be done?
A: When it is. We're not rushing it, we're going to make this something special.
That made my asshole EXPLODE!!!