Currently reviewed 67/147 entries
There are 152 submissions, I am not counting my own of course.
As some of you may be aware there is an audio contest currently being held by Tom Fulp and the crew to score for their upcoming release of Castle Crashers for XBox live arcade. More info at June MAC Thread.
I have currently 5 pieces submitted to the contest, and with that, the judging has began! I wish the best for all contestants, let the fight begin!
Entry 1 - Main Theme (removed)
Title: Remember Us
Notes: This song actually is longer then 2 minutes, and therefore is not allowed in the contest, I plan on taking the meaty epic core, and cutting out the gentle parts, keep it pure >:)!
Entry 2 - Boss Battle Theme
Title: The Desire to Destroy
Notes: This song was designed with the intention of being used in the fight against the large fighter who uses his shield to smite things. If you watch the trailer over at, you'll see whom i'm talking about.
Entry 3 - Game Over Theme 1
Title: Tell me Once Again
Notes: There is a nostalgic and somewhat sweet air to this tune. Perhaps not perfectly suited for the game, but not every hero is remembered as a vicious killing machine. The many good deeds, the many lives they were able to save will surly hail their champion with not how bloody they blade was, but how much blood they didn't spill.
Entry 4 - Generic Battle 1/Boss Theme 2
Title: Rage of the Champions!
Notes: Another driving powerful piece depicting the powerful heroes at their dirtiest. Forgetting all noble thoughts and actions to absolutely crush their enemy absolutely.
Entry 5 - Game Over theme 2
Title: Into That Gentle Night
Notes: This one reflects of the attempts of our heroes failures on a more personal level. The slow funeral march drums speaks of efforts and actions committed in vain. Though their arms were strong, the strength of their enemies were simply stronger.
Entry 6 - Ambient Level theme
Title: Deranged Sanctuary
Notes: This was created with the image of a great castle hall. But of course, it is a ruined, fallen castle. Some inspiration was also drawn from Lion Head's own Fable 2 screen shot found here!
(Long low whistle) Damn Maestro, you just seem to be diving headfirst into all the stuff that Tom Fulp and the rest of the Newgrounds staff have been cooking up in the past couple of weeks. First there was the music video contest, which I will say from reading your comments you worked like a madman. In a good way though. ;) And now you are planning to have some of your music played in a video game that is going to be made for the Xbox 360 in which, if it makes it to production, hundreds upon hundreds are going to see and listen too! Big plans eh? Well, I certainly hope that God gives you the wisdom and the inspiration needed to transform and create wonderful masterpieces of music that I'm sure Tom and the other staff at Newgrounds are going to enjoy. And if they enjoy it, I'm sure the rest of the United States, North America, heck, even the world over will enjoy it too. God Bless Maestro and keep up the good work...