It's always a bummer for me around this time of the month. In fact, it's always a bummer for me whenever I wake up during this time of month. Yes, lo and behold it is time for midterms and exams again! As if I did not have enough work to do, now it's time to add more onto the plate, and even further alienate myself from my music computer. It's been off for 4 days straight now, which is a new record for all time. Not a record i'm particularly proud of breaking either mind you...
In any case I know there are a LOT of reviews I have yet to respond to. I WILL get to them. I swore I would not be one of those artists that say nothing to the people who spend time out of their day to write me so i'm going to work on that the second this week is over and my midterms take a little cool off.
Also if you havn't done so already, and are interested in being emailed when a new song is out please click on this link and sign up for the newsletter. It's not a Newgrounds feature but every new song added up there, will by extension be added on here so for now i'm just going to use this tool to let interested members know!
Thanks for your time, take care Newgroundians!
PS: The epic metal colab is still in progress, LEAVE ME ALONE, IT'S GETTING THERE >:(!
Ah seems you've become a moderator, cheers mate!