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Selcuk Bor @MaestroRage

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Please help suggest epic game/anime/movie music!

Posted by MaestroRage - January 14th, 2009

For as far as I can remember i've always liked to go out of my way to try and find some great solid music from a multitude of media. It started off with some pretty amazing music from a couple anime series way back when. Like X TV, ./Hack Sign, Ghost in the Shell, Blood+ (all incredible soundtracks if you haven't heard already). Moving movie soundtracks of course are no exception with brilliant and epic music from Dark Knight/Pirates series, Lord of the Rings.

And don't get me started on game music, a deep and personal favorite of mine. I absolutely love the stuff.

Heroes of Might and Magic 4 and 5, Paul Anthony Ramero changed my life man. Online games like Cabal, Knights of Honor, Age of Empires 1-3, Strong Hold, Call of Duty 2, 3, 4... the list can go on forever.

This is where Newgroundians come in! I've been putting aside a couple hundred dollars to go soundtrack shopping and i've finally reached the point where I think it's time to start spending it. I need as many suggestions as possible to your favorite soundtracks from any type of medium. Game, movie, animations, whatever. Dig deep into your brain Newgroundians! The more obscure and lesser known the better, but don't let that stop you from recommending the classics either!

Barrage me with your knowledge, i'm eagerly waiting for it!

Please help suggest epic game/anime/movie music!


Look up "Soundtrack For the Voices in my Head Vol1" its more an instrumental album than a soundtrack for anything but its an interesting listen. You can get it for free but you don't get all the tracks and they come with some stupid advertisement at the start. eitherway give it a try you wont be dissapointed

A fantastic suggestion! And check this out! The entire album for only about 1.5 euro, or $2 US?!!?

http://www.mp3sale.ru/release.php ?ms_releaseid=256785

Bought! Again, thanks, keep em coming!

I really like the music from the God of War games, as well as the Prince of Persia ones.

I can't think of any except for those because I tend to get lost in the game if the music's good :P

noted, thanks!

Soundtracks from "the Saint" (the one with val kilmer) and "romeo and Juliet"(the one with leonardo Dicaprio) are simply untouchable.

Ive played those CDs to the point of no return.

noted, these both are wonderful. Thanks.



uhh space marine theme from DoW

Hehe, I think we have very similar music tastes... here's a few of my favorites and whatnot


Noein - Good mix of songs with "chanting" and whanot, as well as few with a renaissance like feel

Rozen Maiden - All the music is pretty much just classical, aka piano, but still really good


Soul Calibur IV - That shit is epic, I'm telling you

Kingdom Hearts II - Good mix of piano and other instruments to create a really good sound... One of my all time favorites

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - This a must, all the music is done with classic guitars and other pagan instruments. This one is my favorite hah

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - I know that sounds lame, but trust me, the soundtrack to the latest expansion is really nice. Some of it is more ambience, but there's some good "music" too. All of it has a Scandinavian feel

Gears of War 2 - There are only a few songs that are good, but they're really good. However it's hard to see "how good" they are just by playing the game, you need to listen to them individually.

Any Halo game - Do I need to explain? :D

I guess thats it for now, I own all of these so if you're interested I can just upload them for you get to for free hah, there's also this website

<a href="http://downloads.khinsider.com/">http://downloads.khinsider.com/</a>

It has free DLs for tons of videogame and anime soundtracks... however as of late, a lot of them have stopped working

Hope this helps

it does, fantastic resources and suggestion, thanks!

Anything from Blizzard games. Their in-game OST's are absolutely incredible, especially those from Warcraft III RoC and TFT.

In fact, I don't believe you can pull it off.

That my friend, is a challenge!


I'll have to take a rain check on that, I don't think so yet either :D!

One day, all this new music will be a good study bed to help get me there.

Sorry, I forgot to provide links to a couple songs.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXajx7l4VxE">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXajx7 l4VxE</a> - Simple.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGbiK1tdkZY&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGbiK1 tdkZY&feature=related</a> - Has a very eerie ambient feel.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6_d1fhEXTY">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6_d1f hEXTY</a> - The percussion in this is extremely varied and perfectly done. After 2:40 however, it's very boring, so don't even bother listening.

Warcraft III is at the top of my list for favorite games. And you are second only to Lashmush for my favorite Newgrounds musicians.

I'll buy you a cookie if you produce Warcraft III style song. :D

i'll buy me 3 cookies when I produce a Warcraft III style song. It's not that I don't have the materials, but i'm fairly sure I need more training. Thanks for the references!

try april 29 1992 by sublime, or i won't be home for christmas by blink 182.

i want to make MVs for these

The Age of Conan soundtrack by Knut Avenstroup Haugen is far and away my favorite movie/game soundtrack (and I listen to a lot).

28 Weeks Later is another favorite.
Titan Quest, Diablo 2, Requiem for a Dream...

Do you know E.S. Posthumus?
They do epic orchestral songs that sound like they should be soundtracks.
It's really great stuff. I'd recommend their album "Unearthed".
Their new cd "Cartographer" is very different and not as good imo.

Had no idea, thanks for bringing E.S. Posthumus to my attention. Definitely going to get that album.

Requiem for a Dream... oh man that soundtrack takes me back. Brilliance I agree.

Thanks for the other suggestions also, noted!

Not sure if I ever told you but I used your song "Machine of Judgement" for this lil clip

and it fit perfectly thanks
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYVmuPjSFGA&feature=channel_page">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYVmuP jSFGA&feature=channel_page</a>

I remember that! I'm glad it was useful. P-Bot's healthy and well I hope ^_____________^

oh something i can really help with
i love epic music and collect it

O Fortuna - classical song

Harvey Two-Face - track from the dark knight

Beethoven's 5th symphony

Explosive by the band Bond

Pomp and Circumstance

Magic Carpet Ride - crystal method and fatboy slim remix

Galaxy Quest main theme

Godzilla main theme

Lacrimosa - Mozart

Unrecorded - M83

In the Hall of the Mountain King

Paprika Main Theme

Pompeii and anything else by the E.S.Posthumus brothers. Seriously.

Requiem for a Dream

Escape - Craig Armstrong

Return to Innocence - Enigma

O Verona - from the romeo and juliet soundtrack

Hello Zepp - Saw soundtrack

Baba O' Riley - The Who

Mephisopheles Return - the Trans Siberian Orchestra

Main Theme of 'We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story'

Zooster's Breakout - from the Madagascar soundtrack

Roar - end theme of Cloverfield

Gothic Power

Dark City soundtrack

I recognize some of these, and they are indeed, epic as hell. Thanks for taking the time to write this out, i'm sure it's going to be a blast going through this list!

well i like a lot the movie ¨requiem of a dream¨ and its music its awesom also look for the v for vendetta soundtrack , the music of "full metal panic" its great also and they are cheap last time i cheked each cd was around 10-12 dollars.

thanks! Requiem of a Dream had an epic soundtrack I agree.

Whoa, this hits up my alley! It seems we share a sibilance of some sort. I actually I have an undying love for film scores, and other odds and ends.

A few of my absolute favorites from each genre include:

Cowboy Bebop - Yoko Kanno (I still can't believe the versatility of this composer)
Record of Lodoss War - Wada Kaoru (you've got to listen to the intro song)
Macross Plus - Yoko Kanno (I recommend listening to Voices the Full orchestra version)

Videogame OSTs//
Final Fantasy Tactics - Masaharu Iwata and Hitoshi Sakimoto (my absolute favorite from this genre)
Chrono Chross - Yoko Shimomura
Ecco the dolphin - Spencer Nielsen (ambience..)
Kameo - Steve Burke (this actually closely reminds me of your work)
Katamari Fortissimo Damacy - Yu Miyake (Makes for some fun times)
Spellforce 2 - Tilman Sillescu
Viewtiful Joe - Sayaka Morita & Masami Ueda (Extremely well-crafted electronica compositions.)
If you're into overclocked remix, check out the Project Majestic Mixes.

Film Soundtracks// I'm not sure what type of "mood" you're looking for in film soundtracks, so i'll start by listing only the "epic" hollywood sounds. I also will skip the composers in your favorites since you're probably aware of their works.

King Arthur - Hans Zimmer (heh, just in case you missed out :-)
CutThroat Island - John Debney (Great orchestral pieces, Yarr!)
Poseidon - Klaus Badelt (Very engrossing...)
Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow - Edward Shearmur (Heroic triumph!)
Tales from Earthsea - Tamiya Terashima (One of my favorites...very moving)
The Mummy - Jerry Goldsmith
The Goonies - Dave Grusin (I love the flow of the strings section)

In terms of single tracks, just one. From the Lion King - Stampede - Hans Zimmer (probably one of the most underrated orchestra pieces).

I have a feeling you're already aware of immediate music, media ventures, x-ray dogs, and the likes but in case you haven't; they provide production library music for films/trailers, offering themes/cues with surprising results. I recommend grabbing immediate music's latest offering, "Theme for Orchestra and Choir 3".

I wholly recommend Zekey's recommendations as well. Oh.. and talking about Zekey.. Check out the Ren And Stimpy Production Music for all your classic tunes needs! *sparkle*

That's all I have to offer for the moment. If there's anything you wish to discuss about, I'll gladly accept a PM. But guess you've got your ears full for the moment! Well, good luck in your searches and I'll admit, I actually had some fun searching and listening for that special sound. :-)

You know i've never really found the person who composed the intro theme for Record of Lodoss war! I remembered listening to that opening theme for hours on end man... gave me a chill, i've never ever heard anything even remotely like it since, despite my best efforts. if this Wada Kaoru is the composer for that intro theme, there might be more like it!

The search is back on!

Immediate Music and the rest I was aware of, their newest release I had down already.

Thanks for the insanely solid post. This is also another one I look forward to listening to! Please feel free to suggest more :D!

Anything by Klaus Badelt. Epic orchestra/guitar stuff :D

Klaus is pretty damn slick. I saved his ass in 'nam you know. Thanks Rig!

Harry Gregson Williams - His work with the Metal Gear Solid series, especially MGS3 and MGS4. (Debriefing, Old Snake, etc.)

And this may or may not seem unorthodox but the Silent Hill series always provides when it comes to ambient, horror based, or lyrical themed music.

Other than that I'm not certain but if I remember correctly the Xenosaga series had some pleasant instrumental symphony based pieces.

Silent Hill did indeed have some of the most eerie music/ambiance. Having played 2, 3 and 4. I am all too aware :(

Thanks for the tips, noted!

Woah, people already mentioned a lot of soundtracks I like.
Well, I'll just mention a couple of favorites.

Naruto Shippuden- Tasuharu Takanashi.
Even though a lot of people hates the series, the soundtrack is simply amazing.

Golden Sun- Motoi Sakuraba.
This guy composes some fantastic battle music.

Whoops, I meant Yasuharu Takanashi.

How's about you check the music from Akira Yamaoka, really deep and epic, works both for a game or movie, that guy is a genius, check that out.
And of course, I can't go through without recommending music from K%u014D %u014Ctani, a great composer, which someone must've already told you of, but he's really great, Michiru Oshima is also great!

Wow, I remember Cabal.
The music was amazing.

As for some suggestions, I can't really think of anything.
I didn't see the music for this freeware game Iji on the list, so I'll say that.
Just google it.
Some of the music might be covers, but it's all good.
And you can download the music high quality by itself on the site, too.

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