I consider this account an important chapter in my life

Selcuk Bor @MaestroRage

Age 37, Male

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Joined on 8/22/06

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Words of a liar, broken dreamers.

Posted by MaestroRage - November 20th, 2007

EDIT - Read the rest of post to make sense of this tidbit here.
i'm going to make things interesting. "Christina", if you can provide me with the Cubase file for those songs you claim are yours, I will personally apologize and call myself a douche, and then delete my account. No joke. Until then, may you get raped by a hundred angry squirrels

So today was an interesting day. Lets begin at the very beginning.
Before I do that, link to DarkSide555, because he played the ground breaker in this one. if it weren't for his first step of proof, this wouldn't have resolved.

A couple weeks ago, a character who went by the name DreamStrider sent me a pm asking me to add her to my MSN list because she wanted to talk to me. Okay fair enough.

My first reaction was go to her page, which is located above. And that story she wrote, is all pretty sweet... don't you guys agree... pretty damn sweet. Anybody else think it's a little too sweet? Yes indeed, I subtly left my remark on how it should be a book *or maybe it already is*, who knows.
she has removed her post. How sad eh?


After a couple days, she finally came online at the same time as me, and she said hi.

The conversation log is ridiculously long so i'm going to focus on key parts, which are... suspicious.

Her: Would you be interested in performing for a game?

Okay, i'm usually really busy to commit full time, but I do freelance from time to time, I asked for the game website

Site A very intricate lie thus far, it seemed she kept all his/her bases covered. It was a shame that no staff page was found, or findable at least by me. I'm not Hungarian literate.

Apparently our little songwriter also models. Very well I might add. Click on Galaria and go to the 3D art section. That is apparently her. Oh, and of course, she didn't tell me that was her, until I said the 3D artist was talented :D! Easily enough to slip your mind. I mean if you spend dozens of hours producing this, mentioning it is not worth your time. Not at all. Nope.

Nocka munkái, tervei - means Nocka, art and plans. Thank you Dragon198901 for pointing that out!

it becomes important later.

Okay, she is the story writer, designer, 3d modeller, and musician! Wow, if this chick lived across the street i'd be banging on her door and ask her to marry me. Multi talented, supremely gifted and with the ability of proper time management?! absurd! Where was the shopping time?!

Anyways, we started talking about music, as she wanted me to help her produce songs for this game. In the flavor of A Warm Wind in Avalon, and Djose Forest. It would of course, all have to go through her hands first, as the team did not speak English. Of course, why the hell not right?! I'd love to give you those songs right away to use for a game that has no staff page, or you mentioned in it!

In any case, she then started to send me her "old" work. Without breaking any copywrite infrigements *LIKE YOU DID!*, it was this song.

Video of Stolen Song

I listened to it, and immediately I knew it was live, but suspected it to be stolen. I can't of course say that right away. I needed proof, but had no idea how to go about finding it.

So I went to DarkSide555 and said "Do you know Enya/Shakira at all?" which he promptly replied to me by saying

"WUT CRECK DO J00 SMOKE ALL DAY >:(!?" because our good friend DarkSide555 is a bloody metal man, who busts out the jam like expired strawberries. Anyways, I told him, I suspected this song to be stolen. This 17 year old girl who claims to have made it. I sent it to him, while asking her a few more questions.

Of course i'd like to say right now, thank you again DarkSide555 for immediately finding the proof to my suspicions.

I asked her if she made these live? Her first mistake was to say "nope, they were all fake!" Of course my sneaking suspicion suddenly became raging fury. Fake are they?

"And do you use a program like Cubase?"

"Why yes infact that is mostly what I use! :D"

Wow, how awesome, she uses exactly the program I happened to name.

She sent me a second song *actually that youtube video is the second song she sent me, sorry for the mislead, too lazy to change it now*.

So again this was all fake? I inquired. And she said yes. Okay now I knew it was bullshit.

"I'm quite impressed with that cello you had going at 0:59!"
"Oh that is live, I play 4 instruments!"

REALLY?! How awesome, she plays violin, cello, and the harp. So I told her I was going to pick up the Oboe, which is true.

Did j00 guys knew her brother also pleys the Oboe!?!?!?!?

Keep this in mind, it becomes important later.

At this point, DarkSide555 found the evidence!
"Check out this youtube video :D!"

Sweet beans!

This is where it gets fun guys, pay close attention. It was confirmed that it was stolen, it was now time to set up the traps. This song was released last year *lyrics here!*. So I decided to ask her some trap questions. The important thing about these questions was to side step them into view without arousing any suspicion. You must after all take into consideration the person already knows they're lying, and will of course be extra sensitive to vibes which might suggest as such.

Trap 1:
"How long did it take you to make these songs?"

Why this was significant: If she answers at all, in any way or form, it adds proof to it all. Unless s(he) said right then, it wasn't hers.

Her/his answer:
the actual composing was around 2 weeks for both like 1 week for one the playing it was like 2-3 hours writing of the lyrics was another week and the completion was another day that's like a month in total for the 2 songs.

Trap 1 successfully set

Trap 2: Do you plan on publishing these?

Why this was significant: She had said in the convo earlier that she was working on a new album, and that these tracks were old. So she never said anything about them being published. If she says no, there was no need for more traps, if she said yes, the fun would go on.

Her answer: I already have O_o. 2 months ago.

Trap 2 failed, but opened the door to Trap 3

Trap 3: Is your album online?

Significance: Any artist worth their salt would answer "FUG YES!" This trap was a bombshell, if she said yes, she'd have to show me where it was, effectively proving that she had none. If she said she didn't, then how come DarkSide555 just found the same song online?

Loaded questions are fun.

Her Answer: Nope, my album was released 2 months ago, they will be available this december!


Okay, I had my fun, it was time to hammer this down.

I said, and I quote
My dear I have to ask you then, if you released the album two months ago, what is this exactly?

http://order.jamba.hu/jow/slp_order.do ?contentType=9&doc=16037525&parentId=2 917236&jhs=279

released 7 months ago?

It is important the reader realize there was 5 minutes of silence. Time was necessary to backtrack through the lies, desperate measures had to be taken.

Her answer finally:
And I will asnwer you. The songs you have are part of my promotional demo, which are old there is a 3rd song also, you don't belive me either :(, Peti Puskás is my brother

remember her full name back up? Anybody else realize that Peti Puskás has NO RELEVANCE whatsoever?!

Of course, the frowny at the end would break my heart and I would immediately drop my accusations.

So I asked her. Why she would send me a song sung by her "brother", for her promo, which he released on HIS album last year. Managers arn't retarded, nobody is going to publish the same song twice. Of course, she then blocked me.

Too bad, I was about to point out all his/her flaws too. In case you're reading now "Christina" these were your mistakes, please for future lying reference keep them handy.

1. Learn your friggen software. Don't call clearly live performances fake.
2. Did you really think anybody was going to believe you were 17, a master modeller, 4 language speaking, 4 instrument playing, goes to choir, and has time to make albums on top of that?!
3. I'll give you props at the join the game point, that one blew by me.
4. Don't suddenly agree with what people say and then change your story accordingly. I wonder if I said "do you use Fruity Studio's?" would you have gone "yeah :D!"
5. Your mom!
6. Nobody releases the same song twice, you're an idiot. Promotional or no
7. Peti Puskás does not play Oboe!!!
8. Do your research. If you had said you had released the album years ago, you MIGHT have been able to coin that Peti Puskás did a cover of you. I would have had no proof, I don't speak Hungarian, use your god damn brain. Also this would only work if you weren't 17!

In conclusion, go to hell.







It raises the question, though - what were they actually gonna use your stuff for? Nice catch, guys. I hate liars.

Who knows... maybe (s)he would post them up somewhere before me so that (s)he could claim it was their work and steal it? I don't really know, or care, to be honest after she started sending me these songs I was pretty sure I wanted nothing to do with him/her.

lol, quite a story.
Well worth the read.

glad you enjoyed it, the bastard took up several hours of my time though. Time that could have been used to study >:(

What a story. You should write a book D:!

nah, i'll leave all the writing to "Christina". (s)he needs the practice developing well constructed crap.

seriously that was a pretty good read i love it when people can think of getting away from lies that are actually quite obvious :"p

oh and by the way any chance you got that story i sent by PM? just curious

I did in fact get both your stories BR, and I have read them both. I have yet to respond to them, i'll get right to that as soon as I find them. I did enjoy them both though :)!

I wonder how old "Christina" really is. That was some pretty weak crap tbh.

Yeah, that story on her page looks like it's taken straight out of a famous writer's work on a bad day.

seriously. If something like that happened to me, i'd totally write a book, make millions, and then hire more people to write me books, make more millions etc etc.

And to quote Khuskan:

"Every day you become more and more like the e-personality I want to be."


then every day you live a misguided dream D:

Seriously :(

Waffle Rofl?

Bravo Maestro!


I needed this laugh today.
Boy what a stupid thief...

mm hm. Though again I must stress the importance of DarkSide555's doing here. If it weren't for him I would have just known that it was stolen with no proof, and this whole thing wouldn't have collapsed in on itself.

Glad you got a laugh out of it, I giggle from time to time still.


Srsly! >:(

Teh CRECK of victory my friend, the CRECK of VICTORY >:}

OH MY LOL! It's getting better and better, check her profile! ;D

Mission accomplished I say!

It would appear so. Too bad, I was hoping it would give me the cubase file to prove me wrong, and then i'd have to quit. And then then e-drama hits the roofs!!!?!??!?!?!?

Oh well, good riddance to slow rubbish.

Definately worth the read, got a new story to tell my mom about e-crap.

Picking up the Oboe? My school band has three Oboes. Same fingerings as flutes, double reeds, sounds like ducks being clubbed to death. Tried it once, didn't honestly like it, so I'm staying clarinet for now.

but I LOVE the oboe sound D':

clarinet is pretty awesome too, that was another thing I was considering, but for some reason the oboe was something that spoke to me more. If you play it wrong, it does indeed sound like ducks being clubbed in a rusty blender, but with the right tone...

magic :')

We'll see how much I butcher it then.

I lold hard XDDDD

As you should, it's brilliantly delicious. Sometimes you need a little spice in life, in this regard we should thank "Christina"

Weird. Maybe I'm just stupid or didn't read carefully, but what exactly was her purpose with this whole thing???

I ask myself that question nearly hourly.

Nocka munkái, tervei loooool means Nocka's work and plans ahahhaha i dont think thats her name xD maybe Nocka but Nocka Christina? ahhhahaha nice1 its so funny...

I think maybe she fell in love with you or just wanted to take your songs and upload them somewhere else xD (sorry bad joke)

heh. Thats some funny business right thar. For future reference, i'll keep you guys in mind if another Hungarian situation occurs.

I figured it meant something like that...

In any case, that part is quite minor in my opinion, the fact a stolen song was sent is more then proof. Also we can only hope it really is a she... :'(

Besides, I upload my new songs first, before giving it to people, unless I get a chance to talk with most of the members involved in a game, so I know it's not some kind of foolish waste of time on my behalf.

Incomparably brilliant. I hope her career as a janitor at walmart works out well.

As we all know, that is where liars end up.

The moral of this story:
Bad people may go to hell, but stupid people go to walmart.

I wonder if they make Walmarts down in hell? That would be rather interesting...

Well bless her heart, I just hope (s)he doesn't do this kind of thing again. I don't take being lied to very kindly.

*blinks* *rubs eyes* *blinks again*

People suck.

Dude, I bartend for a living, and I can tell you FIRMLY, that people not only suck, but are incredibly stupid. Because they ask me questions like "Do you serve beer?" or "Do you have ice?" ... I WORK AT A BAR ...

Ill tell you what Rage, Ill write a good story about a liar, and you do the music for it! Something involving a pair of pliars and a blowtorch to go medieval on someone's ass... XD

No worries my man. Your fans here will stick up for you till the end!

I worked at cashiers myself, and I always found it deliciously infuriating when they pass the 5 signs that say we don't accept debit, and they bust out their debit card, and then act shocked as I randomly point to one of the MANY signs saying as such.

Some even get angry. Because they don't like it when they realize that they've gone ahead and firmly made themselves look like hamsters with down syndrome.

You know, I do intend to make those songs (s)he requested, but not for him/her. No, only so that if he/she ever visits again, those songs will be there to remind him/her, to not take people for retards. Because when it backfires on the wrong person, they will pay for it.'

As for that story Polar, you know i'd love to read it right ;). Lay it thick, lay it pure, write it up if you'd like!

OH OH OH test me too test me too!!!!

how do I test you when your stuff is everywhere >:(!?

"So... uh... why don't you tel-"
"Well I did it all with real electricity! And synthesized strings of wave forms!"

and I will of course, call you a liar, and run to my room weeping like a school child.

Oh man, thats quite a story you have there!
s/he is pretty dumb, i must say.
damn, i can think of some sort of sound track fitting in to this... I think O.o
Anyway, good job there catching that liar.

well it's possible to make a soundtrack to anything. You could take either side and make a track for it.

For example, if it was his/her side, you could start it off a little sinister, a little giddy, excited.

Carry on for a minute, give it different feelings of joy, perhaps some contempt.

End if it of with a disastrous climax, ended with a frantic beat. End of story.

if i where him/her i would kill my self now :D


Glad you do Mariomusicmaker1 :D! That is actually a failed ambient song... see I suck with making things simple, everything is always complex all the time :(.

I hope (s)he doesn't do anything drastic like kill him/herself, but what they did was seriously not cool. I do not take being lied to kindly, people who try to make a fool of me will only get my worst if I catch them.

You, my friend, are simply astounding! Mad props darkside for finding the proof.

Maestro, i really love how you catch a liar and rip them several new ass-holes in places that shouldnt have them. I find it twice as funny how you even suggest better ways to lie. It's really a comforting thought to know there is someone out there who can compose fantastic music, further their education, and still be so down to earth that they get their hands dirty shredding idiots like him/her to chunky little bits fit for squirrel consumption :D

Having been immensely humored by this epic tale of one persons ability to fail at life, i now direct myself to your audio page, for some audible candy, and to leave some reviews that probably should have been there much earlier than now :)


squirrels are awesome. They are the very bane of our existence. At some point in their lives, somebody is bit by a squirrel. It's how they track us :(

Direct away my friend, direct away! I hope you find yourself amused, entertained, and largely in worlds of great splendor :D!

And as for all this education business, it's going to get mad ugly in the next 2 weeks, so please understand if I don't respond to reviews for a bit. I'm going to do some rounds now, and hopefully that will hold for a bit.

A question remains unclear: did (s)he indeed get raped by a hundred angry squirrels?

my ninjas do not report any positive progress in this regard. The squirrels were not given enough angry rape juice to carry out their meaningless slaughter. I hope to correct this by throwing mother insults of the highest degree at them. Just because their mothers sometimes eat them as babies, and don't look at them after like a month, does not mean they don't obsess over their mothers!

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