Truly excellent work.
... well I must say I am definately glad you brought my attention to your works. This is by FAR the best sounding song on NG I have ever heard. I am afraid you will have to recieve all 10's across, and to date this will only be the second time I do this.
I am a HUGE strings fan, so to hear that violin really just pushed my ears to the edge and then gently oh so very gently pushed them off that edge... now I have to find the bloated corpse somewhere...
The melody is exceptional, when I first started making music THIS was the kind of music I wanted to end up creating! I must know how long you've been composing, and where you got your inspiration and so forth.
As a final request could I also have the music sheet or midi for this song? I would really love to study and learn from this!
Enough with my flattery though, lets get on with the song.
The mood of the song changes incredibly effectively and so drastically, it's quite impressive. As if literally I enter another room and the transition is as long as it takes me to open the door and walk through.
My only ONLY suggestion I have for this song, is perhaps some percussional aspects, you know, a triangle hit, or when some timpini, I feel the two would really add another layer to the power of this piece as a whole.
The end, where it got softer, you have no idea how much that moved me. I am quite a fan of softer, sadder tones.
Awesome stuff, if you submit any other works, do keep me informed. Easily a 5/5 from me, EASILY! Keep them coming Esn.