Drums of war!
ah, so you want a story is that it Bosa!? Well my good sir, prepare yourself for teh story of teh century!
The wind is blowing at his feet, he looks up slowly to see his commander climb a small rock, he holds his horn up and at 0:06, he lets it blare out. The other soldiers raise their blades and spears to the air, and scream their approval. The commander drops his horn and slashes his blade towards the enemy.
All the soldiers pick up their weapons and charge. Our hero, being quite young and inexperienced feels geniune fear, choking his eyes and throat. In the blur of movement he falls into a semi-coma state (at1:05) and remembers what he is fighting for.
His home, lush with grass, tall mountains, streams gurgling to feed the crops. He see's his wife holding his child and he remembers smiling at the sun...
and then.
The blood filled gurgled scream fills the air as the first arrow finds its target! He snaps out of his mind and realizes there are many arrows in the sky. Many soldiers are cowering under their shields, while those without are charging forward relentlessly.
The moment becomes more chaotic as they hear cavalry from behind them. He looks behind him and see an impressive force riding towards them, the enemies banner held proudly on their saddles.
and closer...
He runs, tries to find a way to survive, any way at all, he just wants to go back home to his crops and family.
He turns around to see his general's eyes, and sees one solemn tear escape his otherwise emotionless face. So then there really was no hope... Our hero picks any direction and begins running, he hears a whizzing sound, and suddenly silence.
he falls to the ground with an arrow in his chest. And that, was the end of that story.
Overall I feel you've done well with this piece. I could see this story perfectly in my head, and the moods of the song change so quickly, without any warning.
Are those drums real? Seriously, if they arn't, where did you find them?!
The dissonant screaming violins near the end did an exceptional job at creating the distressed feeling, panic above everything else.
The subtle french horn with the pounding drums, made for a great "approaching evil" kind of theme.
Another question is the vocals? Where did you get them?
Anyways, easily a 5/5 from me Bosa, once again you're really impressed me!