Hmmm, sweetness :)
I really really like your melody work in this one Karco. There is something intensely sad, yet uplifting in this piece. The story that The-Great-One told was one that I immediately clicked to with this piece, not so much for the story itself, but the emotions and ideas he talked about I feel hit the spot right on the head concerning this song.
There is as I said a great level of sadness, but there is also a great level of pent up energy. As if it's ready to pounce, ready to jump out.
You're really good with that piano Karco. Really, it makes for a rather damn interesting feel. I loved the wind chimes... oh dear GOD I loved them. They really added that perfect layer of surrealism.
The steady and ever present piano, supportive, yet never dominating is what gave me that "pent up" energy feeling. It could do anything at any moment, build up, slow down, even completely die out, and with each possibility stems an entirely different feel.
Now for a story of my own.
It was snowing. Not hard, but the fat snow gently glided and fell to the ground, covering everything with it's greedy ego. Allowing nothing else to be seen but it's cold and irrefutable presence.
He stood here on this spot for many hours. His breath turning shallow, quick. Struggling. He's been here for too long, and the unforgiving snow was gently sliding it's way into his bones. He was completely covered on the spot, his unkempt face and sagging eyes indicated that there would be a long wait still.
He would cry, if not for the fear his tears would freeze. Surrounded by water, he was too afraid to shed his own. She had promised to return one day. 10 years it had been already.
He closed his eyes, and shuddered another breath. As his life slowly closed into the snow, he wished that one day she would wake up one day.
Wake up, and remember him.
At least thats the imagery I got, a little too sad maybe, but it was a strong one. Keep up the great fight Karco! And keep em coming!