
542 Audio Reviews

390 w/ Responses


so peaceful...

you weren't kidding when you said it was really repetitive, but I gotta tell you, it's perfect work music. I was able to listen to this for hours and hours, and it never once got rough on the ears, or got me bored.

Not something to focus on for too long, but brilliant ambiance at it's purest.

A job well done Vegetarian, a job well done indeed. Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

VegetarianMeat responds:

Thanks for the review Maestro :D


Pretty good use of vocals. Are they your own? The voice sounds like the woman singing in "Castles in the Sky". I'm sorry I don't know who exactly sings it, nor do I even know the artist who made the song, it's just a song in the back of my head that refuses to die.

You use a lot of interesting synths. Though I feel that perhaps the synths have overpowered the vocals. I would have made the voice louder, or the synths quieter.

Have you considered using effects like reverb on the voice? There were some parts where I felt a heavily reverbed copy of the vocals in the background would have really added a lot of interesting feels. Like after that first break down and you have that "bouncing" synth. Bwoop, bwoop, kinda.

If you even understood that XD.

The song loops bloody brilliantly. I didn't realize it was looping until the third time around.

All in all, a solid track. Well done Karaventus, keep up the good fight! I would like to invite you to check out my work sometime!


The starting synths were an area of debate for myself. At first I thought they sounded strange, but they quickly grew on me. I like the phased delay you got going on *that is the effect you used right?*, though I felt that the song didn't truly go anywhere. I know this is supposed to be an ambient piece, but even ambiance can move around a little. Change synths up etc.

Like that part where you introduced the pads. That was really good, I enjoyed that part a lot.

As pointed out the ending was a tad abrupt. Perhaps have a fad out while you loop a certain segment, or have a build up, crash, then just cut it there, let it trail off.

The percussion line was a little weak. But I understand fully how hard it can be to build a good percussion line, so hats off to you for trying at the least. Try to add some reverb to the claps and hi hats, it will give it a more interesting feel I assure you.

From the snares/claps/hi hats/kick I am taking it you are using Fruity Studio's? I use that program, it's quite brilliant really.

In any case, keep up the good fight! There is a lot of good ideas in this piece. I'd like to invite you to check out my work sometime!

nal1200 responds:

Thanks! Yeah you sound like you know your stuff. I do have a lot of problems with how to end a lot of my music, i'm not a fan of the whole faded ending, but I can't seem to get any chorded endings to fit. At any rate, I appreciate the technical review, it helps to know specifically and musically what would benefit. Thanks again!


ah, Fruity Studio's Sytrus. It's been a while since I heard it.

You have some interesting ideas in this piece. You certainly have a fairly good structured piece going on here, and with some better samples this piece would have really left an impact to it's listeners.

It does tend to drone on though, without doing much. I believe this belonged more in Ambient moreso then classical.

I really like it when that bass saw comes in. Added another layer of darkness, and though I didn't quite like it when it jumped up a few octaves, the melody work there was intriguing as well.

When you have the really low saw playing along with the high, that part I felt was good. Sounded more "full" then.

I would have liked to hear more diversity, but hey, for what it was, it was good.

Keep up the good fight MilaXD, and keep 'em coming! I'd like to invite you to check out my work sometime.

MilaXD responds:

Yeah, I agreee it's more of an ambient song than a classical one. If I could go back I'd change that.

I'm kinda new to making music, so these are all the samples I have heh.

I'm glad you enjoyed it; thanks for the review.


So you took your sad loop and turned it into a somewhat full fledged song?

I like the feeling, though it does tend to get a tad repetitive.

I would have liked to hear some instrument changes, for example instead of having the piano play that melody all the time, maybe switching it up with some strings, or an instrument like the xylophone would give it more diversity. As it stands it's just the sad loop, but with an intro that doesn't have the percussion. You need to mix things up a little you know, give it more impact!

Maybe throwing on another layer of those strings. Have them play the same notes just one octave higher up in the middle of the song to change the song's focus!

It has potential, but as it stands you didn't do too much with it. I hope you do though, it really does have potential!

Keep up the good fight Trickmixer, just keep it up. I'd like to invite you to check out my work sometime.

Trickmixer responds:

whoa.. thank you so much. i wasn't really trying to make the greatest song in the world.. i know i could do a lot better if i tried, but i just wanted to express myself in a short song.. if you could even call it that. i realize most musics suppose to have an intro,verse's, interludes, chorus's, solo's and outro's but i was just trying to make a simple song.. im glad you liked it though honestly. it makes me feel like i can keep trying to preserver as a musician. thank you for your epic review..


this project is gone forever?!

That really is too bad, this was a very interesting mix of sounds and patterns. I'm not very good at the genre, but i'd say this was a heavy glitched up piece? Am I right to say that?

The synths are rather heavily gated but in all it seems to work quite well. Near the end when the percussion died down a bit, to present a somewhat darker tune. That was really quite an interesting beat! I really liked it!

In any case, work well done Spikrodd. Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

Sweet :]

a very very interesting mix of sounds you've got here!

I wonder what you used exactly, because these sounds they seem new to my ears.

I like the repetetive strings. Solo Cello? They really add a whole new field of strength to the work as it seems to be a common denominator.

When the strings stop, you bring in a rather pleasant segment of woodwinds.

Those glocken *am I right here?* are mesmerizing. I think this song would have been a really great addition to ambient more so then classical, but it does really provide some interesting feelings.

I have to say though, at the end, that build up of high strings, was really really high, and kinda hurt my ears :'(

Other then that though, it's a solid loop. Well done good sir, well done indeed!

MeteorSuit responds:

Yes they hurt my ears as well, but they put so much fear into my heart that I had to keep them. Thanks!

Hmmm, sweetness :)

I really really like your melody work in this one Karco. There is something intensely sad, yet uplifting in this piece. The story that The-Great-One told was one that I immediately clicked to with this piece, not so much for the story itself, but the emotions and ideas he talked about I feel hit the spot right on the head concerning this song.

There is as I said a great level of sadness, but there is also a great level of pent up energy. As if it's ready to pounce, ready to jump out.

You're really good with that piano Karco. Really, it makes for a rather damn interesting feel. I loved the wind chimes... oh dear GOD I loved them. They really added that perfect layer of surrealism.

The steady and ever present piano, supportive, yet never dominating is what gave me that "pent up" energy feeling. It could do anything at any moment, build up, slow down, even completely die out, and with each possibility stems an entirely different feel.

Now for a story of my own.

It was snowing. Not hard, but the fat snow gently glided and fell to the ground, covering everything with it's greedy ego. Allowing nothing else to be seen but it's cold and irrefutable presence.

He stood here on this spot for many hours. His breath turning shallow, quick. Struggling. He's been here for too long, and the unforgiving snow was gently sliding it's way into his bones. He was completely covered on the spot, his unkempt face and sagging eyes indicated that there would be a long wait still.

He would cry, if not for the fear his tears would freeze. Surrounded by water, he was too afraid to shed his own. She had promised to return one day. 10 years it had been already.

He closed his eyes, and shuddered another breath. As his life slowly closed into the snow, he wished that one day she would wake up one day.

Wake up, and remember him.

At least thats the imagery I got, a little too sad maybe, but it was a strong one. Keep up the great fight Karco! And keep em coming!

Karco responds:

Hello again, Maestro... again, it seems you like my song a lot. :)

I don't have much to add, though I can say that it definitely is some of my favorite melodywork in a while. :D My knowledge of the piano comes from years and years of playing it, and it definitely helps a lot when making these orchestrals.

The story is, as always, interesting, but somewhat vague. Then again I suppose I was somewhat vague myself with the lack of a title or real description for this song. It's entirely what you make of it that way and I don't think anymore I'm one to say whether you hit the nail on the head or not, as I'll have a bias and judge it on how close it was to my inspiration for this song. :\ So you can decide.

Thanks for the review, Maestro, and glad you like my song - it's all very appreciated, as always. :)


as mentioned before hand it was short... but it was really powerful for what was there. Do you like using soundeffects in your pieces too!? XD, every piece I listen of yours I agree with it more and more, we both have a lot in common.

Again, you use the strings quite well, they are consistant, provide good support for the flutes and adds layers onto the piece themselves.

I am getting a semi noble epic feeling from this, which makes me think of french horns. Have you considered adding some in there? It would be a really great layer I believe, especially to compliment the flutes.

Speaking of the flutes, the melody work for them was pretty damn fine as well!

Nothing else to say itay390, another track well done! Keep up the good fight!

itay390 responds:

unfortunely, i don't have any plugins of french horns. and what i do have sounds pretty shitty. i have always had this problem, of missing plugins and samples in order to make good musics. i just wish i had a source for all those.
i always trying to expand the feelings people get from my stuff, by expanding the melody itself. i have an opinion that one flute is not powerful as three flutes together forming a chord with three notes. that is why i am always trying to make chords in my songs - because i think a rich melody sounds better than a single note and can trigger more feelings.
a problem i have is a lack of ideas to whats going to come next. when other people have this problem, sure, they are just going for the repetetive form and crack themselves off with it, unfortunely, i can't stand a repeat of over 4 partitions and i just must get something new. when im out of ideas - like in this case, the song is over.


hey Itay390!

The beginning of this sounded doubtable. The tubelar bells you used there were of somewhat bad quality, so it gave me a bad impression, but gradually the song really evolved, and became really powerful. I would say the second the strings came in, the whole thing came together.

Are you using Slayer as your guitar synth? A common synth, it's sad but there is no good electric guitar synths out there, what you have though is pretty good quality.

Your melodic style is somewhat similar to mine, I would like to invite you to check out my work sometime and hear for yourself!

Speaking of melody, it was an interesting idea to use the tubelar bells as a form of percussion, though I would not recommend it. The swell of the strings were perfectly placed, and really really added a lot. I love it when people do that, adds so much to the piece.

I didn't get a very sad feeling from this piece, but I got a lot of bitter, a lot of unfocused anger. And I see rain for some reason. Standing in the rain, drunk with anger and regret.

A great piece, I enjoyed it, keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

itay390 responds:

thanks, i guess i was being projected on the melody work itself.
unfortunely, there are no guitar plugins out there - but for what i had this song im satisfied. slayer lacks the dynamic stuff you can do with a guitar. anyways, i got into this melody by accident, my friend heard the "happy" part of the song and he said "lol that looks like a toy garden" so i made something to seem extremely disasterous after the happy part ended, and something really bad happend. i thought the bells in the tempo would really add to the feeling of the disaster and to the feeling that something bad is happening to this garden right now! then after he left i've evolved it to what its now as a piece for itself.
i will check ur stuff soon

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