Brilliant, epic as usual :)
Hey Madboss! Sorry for the super late review man! Energy and time are both things that simply did not reform in mah brain.
I love these epic works, though they sound quite similar to the other files, I am hoping that later on *at the first minute mark right now*, it will change directions!
god bless your choirs. I just can't get enough of em, again similar melody, yet my ability to care is severely hindered.
You know what, this song should be used for the Wolf Team lounge music instead of what they have, this speaks volumes and volumes more then what they have.
I can't quite figure out what style this reminds me of. John Williams'ish? It's got Hans' epic flair, and Danny Elfman's melodic styles for the celesta/glocken? like segment.
Nice epic end again. You can make an entire small album out of this tune, it's brilliant. With all that said, I still have no words of advice for you. I will of course, come back to enjoy all the collection again.
Keep up the damn good fight! I hope to hear more from you again! Let me know when you do!