Good vibe, steady flow, perfect loop.
Hey HotDecemberOcon... I mean Sex.
This song loops perfectly, that is the first thing I noticed as I listened to it in the background while doing some reading.
I didn't find it that depressing to be honest. Yes there were some feelings of sadness, but really it wasn't as severe as Dorkside here makes it sound.
I really liked what you did with those sliding synths. You've always been good with them, good to hear you go at it again. I did find the percussion a little strange sounding. The build up snare sounded perfect no doubt, but just something about the percussion after that kinda bothered me... nothing too major of course.
Good steady beat, melodically it doesn't change that much, but thats an absolute must in an ambient loop. A good mix of sound effects and background noise, really helps bring it along.
All in all a pretty slick track. I remember still where you and I came from Ocon, we sure did come a long way, and this song proves it. Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!