my dear GOD!
XD, that is some INSANE energy levels.
I gotta say this is some serious... serious stuff right here! I sat down and thought "what would it look like if somebody tried to play those uber fast notes near the beginning with a violin (and again when the real strings come in), and i'm sure the musician would end up with chronic artheritus at best... at BEST!
The beginning synth was pretty sexy, I don't know I personally liked all the synths, didn't see a need to change any of them. Really, quite sexy.
My one and only qualm is I think that saw synth, is a tad loud, it's volume levels are pretty okay when everything else comes in, but when it's by itself in the beginning, it's a tad loud.
I just imagined like Megaman's fastest battle EVER to this tune. Go Megaman GO!
I'm going to go check out the others songs in these series, this song totally kicked some ass.
5/5 for you + buttsecks.