A neat idea Slipknot101, the cruel, hard synths really do lay an effective mood, however the presentation of the feel can use some work.
Have you considered reverbing your percussional works? I seem to be recommending this to every song I hear, but really it helps. You're using Fruity Studio's like me so I can help you out better. Press f9 to bring up the mixer window, this window handles the effects of your instruments. Now go to one of the down pointing arrows in that box, click, and click on Reverb. Preset 3 is usually what I use for percussional aspects, try it out for yourself, you may like it.
Also I feel the song should have a pad in the background, to fill up the empty space I'm hearing.
The throbbing bass... now that I felt was bloody effective! Really I felt that aspect was nicely done!
Anyways, good effort, keep them coming, you'll get better with time! I'd also like to invite you to check out some of my works sometime, I use reverb like nuts in all of them, so you will see what I mean by their usefulness. Thank you in advance.