Well stealth, lets begin our review.
I can see that you're trying out alot of things with this song in FL, synths, pads, bass kicks, scratches, this is like your canvas in which you randomly test out your skills, so this I can respect, the song does not infact flow smoothly but as stated previously I don't think you're really out to make a full song so much as learning the ropes.
The MELODY however of the song was pretty good. THIS flowed well.
Some ideas for next time. You had a pad at some parts, you should have a pad in the background at all times to provide a foundation for your other synths to stand upon.
I think you have discovered the effects box, as I think I hear some delay effects in there. Have you considered reverb? In techno/trance reverb isn't that important synth wise, but for your claps/ hi hats/snares, they are quite important to blending in with the rest of the song.
Try it out, I can assure you, that you will not be dissapointed.
Also don't be afraid to try and make two synths play the same melody and notes, fusing two or more synths can provide you with some interesting sounds.
Other then that, I felt this was a pretty good learning song for you, itself was also a pretty good song. Good work man, keep up the good fight and keep them coming!