
390 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Fairly good loop, appropriate theme, steady.

I know that oriental flute, yet I don't know it's name. It's not the Dizi flute, if you have a name for it, please let me know! That would be swell.

The steady percussion here works quite well, consistent, and driving. The song also loops fairly well. Not flawlessly well, but decently so.

The brass are my favorite part of this song for me. I don't get the feeling of a battle happening, but more a battle preparation for this song. Everybodies running about getting their awesome blades of awesomeness ready to awesomely cut people.

I think the melodic line that you formed itself is very appropriate for this title.

Good stuff Skragga, keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

mechanoid-9 responds:

The flute is called Japan flute, it's in the Reason Factory soundbank >_>

I kinda messed up the percussion in A Clash of Destinies, it came out too chaotic, especially the ending drum solo. I've learned from that, and tried a more steady, less experimental drumline. Good to hear it works.

I have only one response for the third paragraph: OMFGROFLMAOXD

Actually, it's the other way round, the melody came first, so the title is appropiate for the melody :) I think one part of the melody comes from a Samurai Jack episode I watched before I made this song, or at least it's very similar to something I heard in there. That show gives good musical inspiration, I watched one episode today too, and something is in my head now which is likely to turn into a song^^

Thanks for the review, lots of stuff coming... whenever. I have a lot of work to do. What I really want to make nowadays is trance but everytime I start Reason I end up building the basics of a totally different style song... lots of unfinished projects in my Reason folder now... perhaps I'm losing my ability to make trance?? :O

Super fast motherboard action? Catchy melody!

heh, I personally loved the super fast techno synths. For some reason I kept thinking of a computer motherboard going all insane on my arse while it was going on. Like an epic battle between me and Windows.

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!!!" *spastic and really fast techno elements*
"DAMN YOU I PROCLAIM!" *shuts off, end of song*

but seriously though, the melodic line behind the really fast techno, was brilliant. I wish you had made that more easily audible, and the quick element the more supportive role.

I really didn't like that fast techno at first, now I can't get enough of it XD. It's like audio crack D:

How dare you sir! *le gasp*

The instruments work well together, that fierce bass line works really well. All in all, a very fast, very jam packed piece. Unless you have years of percussional training I suppose, it's quite great!

mechanoid-9 responds:

Haha that makes me laugh... I wasn't planning to make it this computery, but it also came out nice this way I guess. I'm always happy to cause addiction too >:D I really appreciate your positive opinion, endless thanks!

Very moving, well played, a bit too short.

as you said, simple, sad, emotional... hmm, truly moving. I really like how the piano speaks here, those low cello chords adds wonders to the overall effect.

When you introduce progressive left hands to the right hand melody, that was when the song really started to shine. It's a shame, that it is so short. Truly, you should make an extended mix.

That delay you had on the piano helped a lot, the reverb was of course, a plus as well.

My only complaint would stem at 0:16 when that cluster of notes suddenly appeared. It makes sense for the cluster to play later on, and maybe it is inevitable to make that first cluster not sound awkward, but those are my thoughts.

It reminds me of the ancient game Sanitarium. I don't know if you played it, but it had this one piano theme in it, that consumed my soul for many months.

Welcome to the portal! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

Nameless12345 responds:

Thanks for the review! (I hope I am not starting to sound like a robot... >_>)

I experimented with a different sound for the background, where the deep chords are added in later to create more of a emotional "swelling". I hope that it isn't less effective than the consistent deep strings I had before.

I removed the cluster, and now it sounds better, thanks for the input. The simplicity in the first half delivers a unique, sympathetic sadness, which works well in contrast with the powerful effect delivered by the second half.

Many months? I wonder how much work it would take to make a song that powerful... I'll be sure to listen to it. :)

Thank you, again! You're support is appreciated!

Excellent vocals, sweet, gentle vibe.

First review :D!

That mic is REALLY giving you some awesome vibes. That autotune which I assume you used, really REALLY helps hit that sweet spot.

The lyrics of this piece are also quite interesting. I can't quite remember all the lyrics, so if you could tell me them in the response that would be swell.

My favorite part is 2:11 where your voice doubles up very slightly and then jumps into that extra reverbed *was there extra reverb there* high octave.

Though I do love the effects on your voice, you know what would have really been sweet here. If you had a quiet segment, with very quiet instruments, and your voice, pure without effects, or minimal effects, sing then. The contrast would have been... brilliant.

Orchestration wise, the song flows pleasently, no hitches, or at least, nothing that jumped out at me. You as the creator probably have like this one spot you don't like. Not a problem for me at this point.

Oh well, sing and get better, because there is potential here, and when you become a millionaire, i'll know where you live :D!

Keep up the good fight Dan, and keep em coming!

MilkMan-Dan responds:

Sure thing buddy. No need to get into too much detail here, so heres those lyrics and thanx for the speedy review :).

Look at the mirror
As you run to the fields
where it's greener
Do you feel safer

Open your eyes
Let the sense of emotion
Consume you
As you tumble Down

One small mistake
and your whole world changes
to what could have been

Relive that moment
Until the pain is gone
But remember
The battle has only just begun

Here you will find
Where you once felt
The certainty of reason
A measure of treason

Young were your words
In the arms of another
It Cannot replace
The moment of fate
When you thought you didn't love her

*Return to Chorus

Good vibe, good melodic flow, sweet segments!

I see you're still learning, and you've got a good start here, so well done! The melody work in this song is pretty damn sweet. Swift, energetic, well gated, and upbeat.

The transitions here are a bit abrupt, without a buildup, such quick transitions can be bad for the song's entertainment value.

I see you already know how to use automations, good stuff, that kind of build up would have been helpful to use when you jumped into that quiet segment.

Also I think the bitrate of this song was far too high, try to export in 128 kb/s. The standard for most sites, you will get almost identical quality, for nearly half the size.

Also have you considered maybe adding more reverb? I think this song would sound really really epic with some extra reverb, since you don't have that many instruments going on.

You might want to consider having a pad, or some low synths playing in the background at that percussion introduction. Would help fill in the silence!

Though all in all, great work! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming! Welcome to the portal!

shade45 responds:

Haha holy crap thanks a lot for the huge review. I'll totally take all those things into consideration and maybe remaster this song and put up another version. Thanks!

Awesome use of the phrase, great vibe!

For a simple test this song rocks so hard D:

At first I thought it was going to vary, that you'd make them sing different things, but once the song started rolling, I really didn't care that it didn't, the familiar phrase picked up more power with each repeat.

Melodically I LOVE what you did from 1:09 onward. Again repetetive melody, but once again I am not at all bothered, and then the reintroduction of that sweet sweet phrase. You've accompanied this dark sounding phrase with such energy.

Incredible work, I hope Symphonic Choirs serves you well! Keep up the good fight!

Ludzix responds:

I didn't make any other phrases because running SC in FL Studio requires 3 applications open at the same time and recording output right from the speakers :( That's why I had stamina reserves (lol) only for that one :)

Great vibe, smooth flowing, a tad repetetive

I really liked the melody work on this piece, the synths worked very very well. For some reason the beginning piano melody sounded like the Pirates of the Carribean melody. In fact the core of the song seems to resonate this vibe.

Then again, a lot of things sounds like Pirates to me lately. When I shake my saltshaker, I see an entire ocean of boats and the such D:

Some nice thick hits, though I would have liked to have more power behind them. I realize from an equalizing standpoint, thats gonna be hell. It sounds like the Hit 3, or 4 from FL. Am I right?

Try to go into the piano roll and play it a few notes lower, it would have a thicker, longer bang, which I think would have benefited the song.

There is no dispute of the flow of the song, that seems to work quite well. All in all, a great track, the piano melody gets a tad repetetive but nothing major. Good stuff, keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

XMalick responds:

Thanks dude. I really appreciate the constructive feedback. Seems like you're a vet in the music field. I've gotten much better at equalizing and just composing in general i think, seeing as I made this song almost three years ago. But I'm making a newgrounds comback with ALL NEW TRACKS. Make no mistake, dude. X Malick is back.

Brilliant, epic as usual :)

Hey Madboss! Sorry for the super late review man! Energy and time are both things that simply did not reform in mah brain.

I love these epic works, though they sound quite similar to the other files, I am hoping that later on *at the first minute mark right now*, it will change directions!

god bless your choirs. I just can't get enough of em, again similar melody, yet my ability to care is severely hindered.

You know what, this song should be used for the Wolf Team lounge music instead of what they have, this speaks volumes and volumes more then what they have.

I can't quite figure out what style this reminds me of. John Williams'ish? It's got Hans' epic flair, and Danny Elfman's melodic styles for the celesta/glocken? like segment.

Nice epic end again. You can make an entire small album out of this tune, it's brilliant. With all that said, I still have no words of advice for you. I will of course, come back to enjoy all the collection again.

Keep up the damn good fight! I hope to hear more from you again! Let me know when you do!

madboss responds:

Thank you maestro to hopping by - and sorry for the ultra-late response. I'm suffering under tha same circumstances that you do...

I know that I'm doing a bit too much epic stuff and there is not too much variety - I try to change it in the future. You know always I sit down to my keyboard to create a melody I always find myself playing a slow noble and epic melody with a slight dramatic and sad edge... To be honest I like these tunes and I like to be an epic-music composer - altough I know it's a mistake to stuck in one mood. (And it was me who was saying that a music composer must try himself in different moods and styles...)

I don't want to be similar to any film-composer altough I can't avoid to be close to Hans Zimmer's epic music - he's an idol for me in a way (but it starts to bother me that he's doing his job with a lot of co-composers...) - I always imagine a story and try to give a musical background for it.

Thanks for your review and your kind words. Your reviews mean a lot for me.

Damn entertaining, very fluent!

You have some very impressive sounds and licks here. I especially love what you did with that beginning stringed instrument. I also love the flute you're using, what sounds are these and where did you get them?!

The song flows very well, and it truly has a very oriental feel to it, very appropriate, and very entertaining! Simply wonderful!

A quick question, that synth you have at 1:32 onwards, did you use a filter on that, and then automate it? If so, which parameter did you change? Frequency pass? Just wondering, any tips would be quite welcome!

In any case, I don't have much else to say, being inept in this genre, I can not offer you any advice, only my support! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

F-777 responds:

Well i just surfed the interent and collected some .sf2 files and edited them. I can't remember where i got the flute though. And yes i used quite a few filters in this song. There are about 30 different automations or somthing.

Thanks for the review.

a bit muddled, but overall very nice.

I could learn a lot from this. I like the melodic flow, I like the overall sound of the song, and the percussion beat, works well. Basic, but effective.

There were parts when I felt that it was too muddled, too many things going on and off at once, with no distinct melody. I might not be hearing it, I hear faint traces of it, but it does get slightly difficult to differentiate them. Keep in mind however i'm not at all a dance artist, nor do I know how the genre works properly so take that criticism with a grain of salt. it's like asking a blind man to describe the sunset, it's a bit tricky.

I really like those quick builds up with the cymbols and snares. I knew snares were often used, it did not register in my head to use cymbols, for in instrumental music using the cymbols like that is just not possible, I should stop thinking inside the box!

In any case, work well done! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming! I see you already know how to use events and automation clips, so you're well on your way!

Kr1z responds:

yea lots of things in there! :D
maybe ur right, a bit muddled, but at least it wont get boring, its well variated u know :D
and yea, im still figuring out myself what dance is exactly ;)

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