
390 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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gets tiring after a bit, that voice gets tiring.

hmm, an interesting undertaking for sure, though I must state that the voice you used at was a rather detrimental idea for the song. Especially that synth that accompanied it. By itself this loops speaks of being useful for a light ice level, sparkling waters is what I get from the first 6 seconds, and then morphs as it moves.

That voice gets irratating after the 4-5th listen. This loop would not do well for 10-15 minutes of gameplay.

I see you've brought that flute back in 0:08-0:15. As it did in the last song, it provided an excellent boost to the song here. Though be wary of how and where you use that flute, it does not work for all occasions.

The loop ends a tad abruptly, though again it is acceptable in looping means.

In any case, good luck with the contest! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

loogiesquared responds:

Yay, thanks and...
yes, the voice is annoying, but so is the "TechnoQuest" series

Holds potential, truly sparks imagination.

I loved that intro! It reminded me of Terminator though for some reason. But the songs power does not stem from that alone!

Then you have that progressive flute going up and down, a great and powerful mix of instruments! I felt however that the loop shifts energies too much for a 49 second loop.

I mean the intro and starting from 0:13 you have these wicked reverbed deep kick, that adds so much to the piece, and then at 0:23 you kinda let everything die, and then the kick disappears entirely after that. I wish you had kept that kick :(

The song loops in an acceptable manner, though not perfect. It is still however fine, so kudo's on that.

At 0:27 that flute going up and down reminded me of the intro song for FF12 *used previously in another FF game, I forget which one*, but i'm sure this is only because of the progression you picked, otherwise the flute in all the other parts help a great deal in provoking a sinister feel.

All in all it's a good loop loogiesquared, and it holds power, but I feel it also holds a lot of unfulfilled potential. Good luck with the contest, I wish you well!

Keep up the good fight and keep em coming, i'll see you on the battle field >:}!

loogiesquared responds:

*review you*

Very well done!

what an interesting interpretation of that scene! I for one could have never thought of anything but a dissonant fear filled song, daunting choir in the background! *In fact my very last submission is probably going to be for this creature!*

An admirable piece as usual, the dynamics, the orchestration in general is high end. There are two parts of this song that I felt were not to my liking.

First at 0:31-0:36, that short 5 seconds where you get all quiet. It sounds like the chase scene stopped, and disrupted the flow of the loop. When I listen to it loop again and again it seems that this short area is what tires out the listening experience.

The ending ends off on a strange feel. With due respect of course the song DOES loop, I cannot deny it this, but I did feel the loop end could have tied with the beginning better.

But this song DOES make me laugh :). It's a very lively, very light song. It's perfect, as i'm sure they'll want to use something light. It's also a significantly short loop, which will increase it's value. Well played there Winter!

I am glad you produced this, it is a good track and I do not doubt it's ability to entertain, keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

Winterwind-NS responds:

hey thanks for taking the time
That short segment where i had the flute/oboe/clarinet do that silly part was intended to refrain from being too serious in the piece, which i feel is the mistake a few ppl are making in composing a song for castle crashers.
This wasnt necissarily intended for a chase scene but more for the monster himself. but i guess it could kinda be a chase theme of some sort.
thanks maestro

Smooth, gentle, yet aggressive. Nicely done.

Hello Fuoco.

Right away as Rocky already pointed out before 0:32-0:47 click for me right away. It had such a gentle, fragile sound to it, which is a rather nice contrast from the military feel you have going on throughout the rest of the song.

As for not knowing how to make loops, my good sir, you are mistaken! This song loops rather well!

What library are you using for this song? And where did you get that guitar sound!? It sounds very much like a guitar I once heard in a game once... and i've been looking for it ever since. You must tell me :'(!

Overall the song is suitable for the game I felt. It sets a rather military feel but maintains that fantasy feel that is necessary for the game in my opinon. Overall, it was a great track! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming! I see you are a new submitter to Newgrounds! Welcome!

Fuoco responds:

Hey Maestro! :D
I've been smiling since the very moment I noticed there was a review from you. I'm so glad!

So, you think it loops well? That's a relief, I was trying and trying many variations for the ending, but none could fit. In the end I just left it the way it was, and turned out good :D

For this song I am using Garritan Personal Orchestra, a very good orchestral sounds you find there. Oh, for the guitar sounds I used Finale 2005, it's the program I use for writing scores and it usually have bad sound quality. But the guitar was very nice!
I'm happy that you liked this song! Coming from you means a lot!
Thanks for reviewing Maestro!

6th 10 i've ever given!

yay! First to review!

It's finally here, and ready for the awesome debut!

This song is super catchy, super energetic, simple, yet very powerful.

They sound freakin sweet on these bass headphones as well.

I don't have any criticism for you David. But this is one of my favorite tunes ever from you, and having heard it, gives me the energy to give the last 9 days blistering hell! I'll see you on the battle field sir, keep up the good fight and the great work!

DavidOrr responds:

Always great to hear from you Maestro! I never tested the piece on headphones (wicked big mistake :X) so it's good to hear that it sounds good on the ol' 'phones.

I'll see you on the battle field as well, and (if I work quickly) may have another quick piece up my sleve >:)

Thanks for the review!


I was quite pleased to hear that you were going to try your hand at orchestral and I ran on over in hopes i'd get to your one of those classical pieces!

I was NOT disappointed! I love the constant, stable string you have going on throughout the entire piece, those descending strings you have, compliments the constant strings wonderfully.

And roughtly past the minute mark you fill out the song a whole lot more with other instruments, successfully creating a full and intimidating atmosphere.

I can see somebody gazing down on a dry and barren desert from atop a cliff, the burning sands littered with long burnt and deceased bodies. There is sadness, there is anger, but the most dominant feeling in my opinion here is bitterness.

At 2:12, the song breaks out of the chain into another segment entirely, and here I was thinking "was that truly smart?", but as the song progressed I cared less and less.

That steady thumping timpani! I have ALWAYS loved the steady thumping of the timpani, it always gives the mood a driving push.

I would say this piece is actually like 2 songs, linked together. The break out into the second piece was too abrupt, but overall, the piece itself is intensely entertaining!

Keep up the good fight Dj-Rec0il and keep em coming!

Dj-Rec0il responds:

Well im glad you enjoyd this oechestral piece of mine :) and yeha i can agree that i maybe should had let the first melody run but hey testing my way through :) and that is what music is all about :) well glad you liked it and reviewd it :) hope 2 see you soon

Very lively, energetic!

I swore once I got my good headphones back i'd bust on down here and give this a listen, so help me god, here I am!

You must be one hell of a teacher Karco, this really is an interesting piece! Filters, automation clips? and a neat phaser/flanger filter on. I personally find the flanger an incredibly difficult tool to use properly, and though I felt at some parts here the flanger didn't serve the song much, it did always give an interesting vibe to the piece.

Around 1:01, was that part an automation clip?

Loads of energy, and though the melody doesn't change that much it WAS an entertaining listen. Tell your friend good job for me! He really pulled together something here, that is quite entertaining. I believe he has talent, and could go as far as he wants to.

Keep up the good fight and keep em coming, both of you!

Karco responds:

Hey, Maestro, thanks for stopping by. :)

Eh, I try. :) I definitely did teach a bit more than the basics of FL Studio with this song. I mostly led it, actually, though he did contribute a LOT for someone making their first song. :D I agree the flanger wasn't necessary, it even made the drums a bit hard to hear in my opinion - I put it on just to experiment and before I knew it became one of those things that you feel the song would sound empty without, even though it's not. :\

Yep, it was an automation clip. :)

You're typing like it's a song my friend made after I taught him how to use FL, so I'll clarify just in case - my friend and I collaborated on this while I was teaching him FL Studio. I led it, I did most of the complex stuff - automation clips, filters and stuff - I should have tried a bit harder, I admit, to teach him about those as well, though it's a bit more complicated than the simple playlist and piano roll and I didn't want to teach too much at once. ;)

Thanks for the review, Maestro, glad you liked it. I'm going to show my friend this review right now. :)

:'D Slick... real slick.

hey Kingbastard!

The vocals are not that clear to me, I can't fully understand it, but I understood snippets here and there, and really it was quite emotional.

I LOVED the segment where you went "Those days are gone..." and start whistling. Or the ending pretty much.

I love a good acoustic piece, and this delivers! I have nothing to say to you critique wise, other then perhaps look into equalizing your voice better. The effect you had on it made it sound cool, but definitely made it harder to understand.

keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

Kingbastard responds:

no eefect on the voice, just doubled up vocals, this is a demo trk pls remember... thanks for the reveiew.

:') nice...

hey MusicalROcky!

So you've been holding out on me eh!? You BASTARD >:(!!!

This song is brilliant. I love the descending violins, and I really appreciate the ending when the violins go go up and down crazy style.

The perfect loop doesn't hurt you either!

I have no words of critique for you, I loved it, and now I will spend many a sleepless nights trying to create something to withstand it's fearsome wake!

Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

Can't wait for the other submissions.

MusicalRocky responds:

Lawl. Well, I wasn't really holding out on you, since I only decided to write other submissions the other day, and you're never online >:(

I'm glad you liked this. The descending violins are fun, aren't they? >: )

Yeah, I tried to make an ending, but also have it loop; seems to have worked. : ) Lol you and your sleepless nights...

Thanks for the review man. I need to go find your submission and review it. Lolz



such anger! such RAGE!


I loved it! The percussion really is slick, keeps everything together, but really, the percussion is nothing but a stepping stone for this brilliantly angry guitar! You play it very well I must say!

The riffs were very moving, simple, but powerful. Especially around 1:23, when that higher pitch guitar tramples in. Shortly after which you let us hear the percussion a bit more clearly.

The song is screaming and screeching, and the quality is rather high! The distortion is all from the guitar and not from the hardware. I remember listening to your early work, and hearing mad cruddy recordings. This is far more efficient!

Keep up the good fight, and keep them COMING!!! >:(

I'd give you a 0.75 score, but i'll have to round that up to 9.

DarKsidE555 responds:

Well hello thar! Nice seeing another review from you! You basturd! ;D

Anyways, I'm more than happy that you like it that much. The tune really is a twisted mix of anger and rage - even hope I think. I had much fun playing around with the percussion. It gives the hole thing such a druggy feel. It was about time for me to create something like this, since I FINALLY got everything I need to create my tunes. Even a bass.

I'm very proud of the quality, since I finally reach a point were I like it myself. Haha, good call on teh older works. Simple to say, it's HISTORY my good man. :)

I'll keep on the fight - always with you for sure! ;)

Damn but I wanted a 0.75! :( Anyways, thanks for the kick ass review my friend! :)

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Selcuk Bor @MaestroRage

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