
390 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Not bad

This song in my opinion sounds very very raw. I suppose that it could be used for a chase scene, but it lacks any real driving melodic force. As it stands it seems like a really big mix of sound effects thrown over a what seems like some random melodic line.

Not a bad file, but I am having difficult seeing where it could be used in the game. It does however loop flawlessly, so props off to you for that.

Keep up the good fight zackyboy! I'll see you on the battle field >:}

Fautzo responds:

Thank you sir! It's supposed to sound kinda raw, but you are right, it is a little too raw, and it probobly won't fit into the game, since it is hack 'n slash, but i just got the idea from seeing the deer screenshot. And it IS just a random melodic line, bingo!! XD And thanks for the loop props. This one will probobly get marked down, which is why i made another song, just in case, in fact, I'm about to submit a third one! Oh, and by the way, i froze for a few seconds when i noticed the reveiw was made by you. I've been a big fan of yours for a fe months now, therefore, i shouldn't be that surprised, since your in MAC7 also. Who knows...maybe it could be used for a scene when your in a basement with no enemies, but oh well, thanks for the reveiw!

P.S. Don't get your hopes too high yet! HAARGH! This isn't over! RAWRZ!!! ILLZ BEH SEEINGZ JOO ONZ TEH BATTOL FELD TOOZ!!!


This song should definitely have found a home in the classical section Zenon. I mean as misc it would barely get listened to anyways, and we would have loved it >:}

*or made love TO it, really whichever comes first*

In any case the track doesn't really move much, and the ambient qualities will serve you will as the game should not in my opinion have music that is MAD distracting during play.

There is no real awesome distinctive melody in my opinion. There is of course, yes a melody, but it's all blended together. No driving instrument, or sweet arse melodic line. Again I understand that that would make the song tiring to listen to *nobody wants to hear a climax 90 times*, but this song as is, lacks a certain, for lack of better term, luster if you know what I mean.

it loops rather well too!

Good stuff Zenon, I wish you the best on the contest, i'll see you on the battle field >:} Keep em coming and keep up the good fight!

PERVOK responds:

Well... you already answered yourself the reason for not having a melody :/ Trust me, if this was up to me, I'd have a huge climax and it'd be 100 million minutes long.

But it's for a game. So blah.

And I'll see you on the battlefield as well; you'd better be well armed >:)


the song IS a tad compressed, seems a little unclear, that beginning sample really does kill it for CC. I would have to say without that sample, it actually makes for an interesting feel. The percussion beat, steady, driving, but not powering.

The song is ambient, and thats perfect for a game. I am reminded of a icy, harsh map by this for reason. That flute you introduce near the end with the hi hats definitely reinforces that image.

I would say the strongest part of this song is the percussion at the end. Builds up very well, but at the same time, when it's about to loop, it does so quite well.

Overall, good stuff loogie, good stuff indeed. Could have used some tweaking, but as is, it's fairly decent track.

loogiesquared responds:

it was made in a hurry,
[thanks to JTGamer.....]
thanks for your review and good luck!

Gets my yes!

these are some EXCELLENT guitar samples! Where did you get them?! I've been searching for ever so long :'(

In fact, everything you use in this song is so damn crisp and clear. But thats not important, onto TEH SONG!

The song flows really well, the diverse mix of sounds really adds that schweet flavor. Especially after that build up break and you brass with those strings!

I don't know about that transition back to it though, that part seemed just a tad... strange.

The ending was pretty abrupt too, but acceptably so.

I would have to say definitely my favorite part of this song is the intro. That guitar, and the gradual build, was simply pure awesome. The oboe that came on later though, did not seem to suit the other instruments so well. Maybe dissonance reasons, or because the rest of the song seemed to say "peppy, upbeat!" and that oboe seemed to want to slow things down.

All in all though, brilliant song! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

SuperTonic64 responds:

That instrument is a piano-esqe instrument known as the harpsichord. It orginated around the 15th, and was also known as the "virginal" in England. :D

But enough about music history; I found that soundfont on www.hammersounds.net. If you want a really Medieval sounding guitar, go with the lute or the mandolin for that authentic flavor. (I sound like I am advertising a food joint. :P)

Yeah...I've never really been great with outgoing transitions: I'm reworking this song (this is the 3rd version, actually) and I will fix both the middle transition (not the french horn fanfare though...I like it waaaay too much) and the ending. I want this song to loop perfectly, and it sounds too much like an ending to me than a loop. :P

Thanks for pointing the oboe out to me Maestro...that instrument does make it sound like it slows down the "peppiness" of the song. I'll change it back to a flute or a high piccolo. :D

Thanks for your review Maestro! ^_^ It really has helped. :)



Hey TheMaskedJew!

Quite an interesting beat you got going on here! I'm not a heavy blues fan, but I can definitely see this being damn useful for the game. Makes me think of an icy place for some reason. Might have been that high panned piano near the middle.

What samples are these? I do not recognize them.

In any case I don't have too many words of criticism for you, but I wanted to drop you my support anyways, you've got some damn neat stuff here! Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

TheMaskedJew responds:

Thanks for the kind words. Hopefully, the vast array of generic techno submissions will help me in the audio contest. Anyhoo, there are no samples, this is all original material... done on a mac. That's also not a piano, it's a Wurlitzer, a wholly wonderful relic from the Ray Charles era.

I just got around to hearing some of your work. It's 100% not crap. Good on you.

Have a nice day.


I really liked this piece. The piano melody, bewitching, and exotic.

I really liked the choirs here. What are you using for them? They don't sound familiar to me, but they do pack a wallop in their fade out entrance.

The strings that came in later, turned the song into a quite happy oriented one. It started off rather dark in my opinion. An interesting morph.

The song loops very well too.

There's not much to critique on this piece. I felt it was really complete, I did however still want to drop my support. Keep up the good fight, and keep em coming!

DigitalDan responds:

Thanks again!

Your reviews are extremely constructive = billiant! Thanks for your support as always.

The choirs were an experiment in harmony between the strings.


quite an excellent piece Bosa. Gentle, sweet, lively. It does not exactly give the air of finding somebody, but it gives that spirited feeling. Unbreakable, passionate. Cannot be stopped, things like that.

When the drum rolls came in, it became a more military approach. Now it's not a single person anymore, but a group of people who all share the same spirit. Cannot be broken.

The ending makes me think of a scene, where one of the group members runs off to be by himself. He kneels behind a broken wall of sorts, and thinks back on the earlier days.

A very interesting image indeed. I loved living in it. I have no suggestions to make the song better, but I wanted to drop my support regardless. Keep up the good fight, and keep em coming!

Bosa responds:

Sure thing, buddy! I had some thing s in mind while I worked on this piece and I believe all of it was made out well. Thanks for the support, and I hope to see more from you as well.


Heh, not a casual listening song eh?

The notes are flying by thats for sure. You said it wasn't live played, but damn I thought it was. If I could play this song, i'd feel like a monster, because only monsters with their monster fingers could play it!

I don't really have any words of suggestions, I mean this is like totally already a classic. Can't improve those, so i'll comment on how wonderfully you've programmed those notes!

Bravo sir, bravo indeed. Keep up the good fight!

SolusLunes responds:

The reason it sounds live played is because I actually added velocity to each and every note (well, most, at least) to make it sound realistic. Probably wasn't the most efficient way of doing it, but what the hell. :D


Hello Grillpie. I was told by a friend who was looking for loops that i'd find this page rather interesting, and when I got here, I had to check this piece out!

I like the build up percussion you had going on in here. It has some interesting beats to it, though I am reluctant to say it keeps the song together, it does add to the stability of the piece overal.

The song also loops pretty well, so full marks on that.

I would have liked to hear some more diversified chords for those strings in the background.

I like the oboe melody towards the end. A happy riff.

overal it was a lively loop, and quite enjoyable. Keep up the good fight and keep em coming!

Grillpie responds:

:D Thanks! Who was that friend of yours?

(This is SBB on another account btw)

A little messy

hey DjSpaz

This song has some interesting ideas behind it, but it kinda sounds like you took some random riffs, and tossed them together.

The melodic line didn't really mesh well together, and the panning on the instruments sometimes got irratating.

Good effort, but definitely watch out for what you put where. It seemed somewhat unco-ordinated.

Keep up the good fight DjSpaz! Keep em coming. I'd also like to invite you to check out my work sometime.

DjSpazTech responds:

Thanks for the input. Im sorry the song was not one of my better ones. But at least now I know how to change my mistake =D And for sure, i'll check out your stuff too peace out!

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