quite impressive!
Its sad to hear that you're going to leave to make albums, but I do believe that you are at that level where if you wanted to you could make some money off your skill.
This is a pretty damn good piece, lets begin our review.
The beginning, echoed and reverbed progression... so spacey, like the passing of time, a cold large monolith perhaps, a cold empty place... the feel was absolutely wonderful. I actually don't agree with Chiron(Mawkeetus) when he says mix it up, it is true that it is predictable, but I believe it is BECAUSE it is predictable that it is enjoyable. Knowing what to expect and then relishing it when it arrives. Or at least thats what I think.
When the song changes around 1:14 it does sound very classical classical, then again I suppose that means it belongs here unlike any of my pieces really, which should be catagorized under orchestral or instrumental.
at 1:39 when it becomes so much softer. That was a rather welcome relief, I just sat back and let the subtle notes sink in.
at 2:25 the melody changed, and this melody was rather interesting. Something sad, something hopeful, fragile, and somewhat left in the background. There was some dissonant notes at 3:01, may have just been an error while playing.
the power of the song begins to seep back in at 3:30 on, where you are using more force to send out your image. I can see what Chiron(Mawkeetus) meant when he said a segment reminded him of Fur Elise, at 3:52 around there, was the part in question.
In any case, it takes on a waltz kind of flavour, and proceeds it's rather remarkable story.
The ending was indeed abrupt, but I quite liked it.
In any case, it's an excellent track, really, if this is your final piece, you have decided to leave by gracing us quite a great work of art. No matter what you choose, I wish you the best of luck, take care DeadEndRoad!