How could I NOT review a piece said to have many acoustic instruments?!
The song is as it says, an ambiant piece, it truly delivers. It's a solid, laid back theme, that I listened to while I did my work, for quite a long while too.
The bass wasn't THAT horrible in my eyes, it did the job, but as SadSpoon mentioned it COULD be better, not sure how exactly, perhaps better sampling.
that flangered? percussion with the gated synth proved for quite an interest effect, I enjoyed the massively reverbed piano, just kinda... washed all over the place, which I suppose if you were trying to play a complex melody would fail horribly, but in this case it = win.
I know this is an ambiant track so I didn't really expect much to happen, it's not a track you should be paying great attention to.
In any case, it was an appreciated track. 5/5 bomb for you.
Keep them coming cornandbeans, also why is there like a 30 second air time at the end of the piece?