Hey Chiron, it's been a while, wanted to drop by your page, see what was happening.
You really have been submitting like a nutcase eh?! Heh, I envy that kind of energy, it seems lately i'm lucky if I can find enough time and energy to finish a song a week.
Oh well, onto the review.
The piano was a pretty steady, repetitive value, and I felt that this could have been a very distinct way of portraying the seasons.
For example, during winter time, if you raised the piano notes one octave higher, you'd get those really high notes which are often associated with winter, if you lowered it one octave, you'd get your summer, if you put in a few more notes, or cut the notes in half, you'd get some quick winds of fall.
You see where i'm going with this? Slight variations to the piano can completely alter the core of the song, and this is something that should be considered when trying to portray an idea or emotion/idea.
The choir, didn't sound reverbed to me. Choirs and instruments in general are very useful if you reverb them, all of my songs have a good slap of reverb on the instruments, for some better choir sounds google Papalmedia choir's and you should get an excellent soundfont file, which is pretty damn neat, I use it still from time to time.
The intro WAS a tad wierd, kinda scary, intimidating.
A flute my good sirs, I feel that a flute would have BANGED that feeling of summer/spring, I am guessing that is the seasons you brought in first, Spring, with that choir, then it gets a little slower, a little lazier, and that is our summer.
Overall, a pretty good piece! I found it quite enjoyable, keep them coming guys! I'd like to invite you to check out my latest piece, it's one that means a good deal to me.