What IS IT with you and DEMANDING people dance, or STFU, or Rave, or ROFL, like seriously >:(! We're here to listen to your tracks, not be subjected to questional motives!
But this song, heh... I like this song. A lot.
The beginning was so simple, I was sitting here going "Please oh lawdy lawd, please let it expand like cancer, and expand it's horizons", and it tutelly did.
For work all done in one night, this is exceptional, I am lucky to get something done in a week, forget a night.
The really simple, but alarmingly catchy melody line is what made this song so damn enjoyable.
This definiately gets a 5 bomb, and just for you, i'll get up in computer class and do a little jig.
Especially since that voice told me too... I have no choice in this matter...
*dances to teh beat now*
Keep up the simply awesome work Fatheringness-esque, and keep up that good fight eh! (I also didn't find it that repetitive)
*dances away*