
390 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Nicely done

Hello again Dave!

I love stories, the whole reason I make music is to tell a story, and i'm glad to know that you are taking a similar approach.

I was looking forward to reading the full story, but hopefully you'll post that up soon ^^.

In any case, lets get onto this piece.

This piece Dave, is one that holds a lot of potential, and don't think that means I felt you did it wrong, or that you didn't do a good job, but what I mean is that there is so many ways of carrying out this story, it's sometimes overwhelming.

Lets begin with instrument choices.

Now I love the strings, more so then anything, however I don't know if the strings were the best way of handling this scenario. For example, I really think a flute or oboe would have truly nailed this story home. Not so much flute... no I guess flute would not be that effective, though interesting, I would most definitely consider the oboe a valuable asset though.

I would suggest the piano however I'm not sure if using it would make the song too... cliche? I know there is only so many instruments one can use, and really it's how one uses it and not what they use.

You've got a lot of ambient type like feeling here and thats perfect for this kind of story. The length of the piece is also rather extensive, a concern I have is the diversity of the song. This would make an awesome background track no doubt, but it tends to start blending together, and sounding the same if you're not paying attention to it.

So really what i'm trying to say is it lacks some diversity, and as a direct result I felt it wasn't as original as it could be.

I'd also suggest a nice choir, but would that bleed the song from it's core? I don't really know, it adds a lot, but potentially removes just as much, depending on the emotion you were going for I suppose.

The ending is debatable. It ended on an angry note, and the extended note it held was a little hard on the ears, perhaps dissonant? By no means do I mean it shouldn't be there, it is an interesting twist, and definitely it makes the song more noticeable before it ends.

In any case, this is another good work! Keep them coming Dave, keep up the good fight!

DaveTheMusicMan responds:

Oh, dammit...you didn't listen to the end, Maestro! After that dissonant chord, there's a key change, which is very crucial to my story...I should've said something about that in the description, huh? I didn't have anything other than strings for a reason...The added texture of a piano would hurt because of the percussive nature of the piano...although a choir would've worked.

The story of this song is one that's very close to me...A man looses everyone that he's close to. In anguish, he contemplates suicide, and even goes as far as to get a gun and put it to his own head (represented by that dissonant chord towards the end)...he drops the gun, though...and decides to just live in pain, a changed man...and yet the same...(represented by the key change but identical melody)

Not too many details of the story, as I like to let the listener get them him/herself.

Thanks for the review, Maestro.

Quite soothing...

hello madboss.

I'm glad you made a nice soft piece this time, truth be told I needed to hear something like this. It's been a rather lousy week, it's good to find peace for a minute.

The chime bells were a great addition, they really added a lot of flavor, a lot of wonderment to the piece, the gentle strings that would swell to such great strengths and diminish to such a timid core.


I was a little disappointed to hear the piano go, I felt that piano had so much to give, that it didn't give it's all before going silent. I'm not saying the song was worse because of that, i'm simply stating it could have added more.

Now those xylophone/vibes/glocken later on in the song, i was JUST thinking "I wish he put some bell melody in here!" and you did ^^.

I can see imagery to this song, about the nighttime. The stars, in a field of long grass, only my head above the grass, peeking out into what I could never explore.

Now i'm depressed again :'(

Overall the melody was great, it flowed, the structure was solid. I thought there was a tad too much treble, and could have used some more bass.

I'd say the beginning was actually the most powerful in my eyes, it was the most intimate start, the most shy, approachable melody. You know, like it gently walked up to you and started to tell you it's story.

Easily another 5/5 from me madboss. Keep me up to date on future released :D!

madboss responds:

I knew you'd drop a rev! I'm glad you liked it - even I wanted to make some different songs than epic or action themes. I thought this tune is really beautifull for a soft little piece like this.

The piano was missing from the "big" parts I know - It would have been a difficult task to fit it's volume to the overall orchestra and I wanted to create a grand sound (a bit epic after all but not as war) - I wanted to create a feeling of joy and excitement like you'd fly over a landscape or something like that. So that's why the tremble sound. Maybe some more brass would be better but I also thought that the french horns are gentle enough to give my image trough.

For me the favouite part is the one after the first grand part with the piano, oboe, glocken variation. I think it has the best melody.

Thnaks the 5's and you'll get those pm's for sure!


Hey now this was pretty kicken! I would have definitely put this in techno. That high synth plays an awesomely catchy melody! It just dragged me right in.

You have quite a few synths going on, and a few effects and I must say you've molded them all well together!

The string intro was for me a very interesting twist, i've never heard a song being introduced like that, and though the strings itself are quite repetitive, in its repetitive core lies it's use, to constantly just keep pushing forward while that high pitch synth took over.


You seem to have a good sense for that bass, simple, solid, effective.

I would have liked to hear a pad or something in the background, I felt the song sounded a little empty at times, but I know this was just a song for fun! Still good stuff!

Keep up the good fight Languid... I don't know which jerk 0'ed all your stuff ahead of time, but in vain hopes of helping, here's my 5.

languid-phenomenon responds:

thanks a lot for your support!! I have no idea who it would be either...i mean, i just GOT here lol.

Hm, a pad sure would have been nice in this piece, im not sure why i didnt think of that at the time :\

With the bass, i had tried to do more with it than just than one riff i kept playing, but since i had just about built everything around the preussion before i got to the bass, i was in no mood to rewrite the synths to fit around a fluctuating bass *something i still cant get quite right anyway lol* so i just kept it simple but strong.

Lol when i finished the song and played the mp3 to myself, the first thing i though was "Dear God, the intro sounds Vanilla Ice" and i almost died from laughter XD.

Thanks again for your reviews and supprt! It means a lot to me :)

More is sure to come, so keepz a lookzout XD



uh oh, the hip hop genre is rarely nice. I see more 0 votes fly in from there then... well some rather large thing that throws a lot of other things.

The beats are stable, fluent, but there is something about this song that doesn't quite say "Hip Hop to me"

I begin to think that maybe the piece is too full? Then again don't look at me, I have little experience in this field. In fact the last time I tried to make a hip hop track it ended up being an evil santa song... good times!

You've got the lead synth fluctuating well, do you have a flanger effect on it also? It seems to slide a bit as it plays I wonder if it's the instrument or an effect.

The melody is pretty catchy though no doubt.

The percussional side to the song is also fairly solid, the bass I liked. It really did its stuff and did it well, I wonder if reverbing those claps and clicks would make it sound better. It may, it may not, not sure, but i'd recommend you try it, it may surprise you.

In any case, Keep up the good fight Languid, I hear some potential in you!

languid-phenomenon responds:

D'OH! i never thought to rever the clap/snaps lol. As for it being to "full" for hip-hop i can see your point, most hip-hop songs are pretty redundant and without the lyrics, gets kinda dull to listen too. I am not a big fan of redundantness, so even in my trance i like to keep it chaning even by just a bit. The same pattern over and over doesnt really speak much towards somones ability to compose a song in my opinion. As for the synth, there was no filter effects on it other than what Z3ta had put on it. I believe it is the "cutting lead" preset. Im not sure if it came arpeggiated, but if it did, i took it off to get the solid notes. The reason it seemed to slide was because i discovered that when i placed a small note on top or below a longer one in the piano roll, it would slide down to that note, and if the note ended before the longer one, would slide back. A very usefull discovery XD So after that accidental discovery I then used my newfound knowledge and extended the ends of certain notes to have it slide down or up to the next one, and then break and have solid notes and stuff. XD very fun, very fun. So it might be the instrument, but then again, most of the samples on z3ta+ have effects already added to them XD
Thanks again for the review XDD



How strange, I had thought I had already left you 2 reviews, but it seems I must have confused you with somebody else X(!

Time to fix yes?

Are you using East West as well?! That violin sounded familiar... then again a violin is going to sound like a violin no matter where you go, just sample sound wise.

In any case, it is not so much a sunset I envision but walking through a jungle, vibrant of life, speckled with rich colors.

Then the harp plays what seems like a minor progressive chord and i'm looking at a large dead tree. Splendid, strong, wonderful, even by death.

I also see rivers, the harp gives me that image as well. The fluent, flowing, sometimes randomly overlapping layers of strings really adds on an interesting twist, an ambient theme.

In any case, i'm rather disappointed to see this song get so little attention, so here's my 5, keep up the great work languid!

languid-phenomenon responds:

Wo0t a 5! Yes, this is all done with Eastwest, and a hint of FL standard samples *the background pad lol*
The image you got was a very good one!! i never thought of it like that, but now i can see where you are coming from XD
Thank you so much for the review!! I think you are a great artist, and cant wait to hear more songs from you XD
*you should keep me up to date with your songs :P*



Well written.

What really impressed was the rap like background sounds and beat.

Your chorus is really good. The melody and mix there is very pleasant to the ears, it was really well built and the voice there was well sung.

I'd have to definitely say this song would entail emo and i'm pretty sure you've gotten some pretty nasty heat for it. Good for you for putting it up here regardless. I enjoyed the beat, not often I listen to music like this!

Keep up the good fight! Keep them coming!

kingj4life3 responds:

thanx alot man i got to new songs out check em out and tell me wot u think its been a while but im back.

king j


Ah this is the type of track I appreciate most.

Dying is serious business indeed, and how somebody dies is what makes it serious in my opinion, at least musically. This song made me think of a hero struggling to stay on their feet as they trudge along, and then they finally collapse.

The ending was a tad strange, I felt it just kinda unravelled, the beginning however, was immaculate. It may not be original, but the fact you can recreate something of this nature entails you are able to contemplate the structure, and that means when you do grow a style, it will rock all teh way into Mordor and back!

The choir work is my favourite part, really gave that feeling I was looking for.

I wonder if reverbing that piano more may have made the sound more effective.

In pieces like this, chords are always a must. I don't think i've ever heard an epic piece without chords, chords are like candy to epic pieces!

In any case, great work TheAmateurAnimator, i'm really pleased to see you take these strides, I wonder what you will bring to the table 6 months from now. Keep up the good fight!

TheAmateurAnimator responds:

It's great that I get a review from you! I like the beginning part as well, not sure what I was thinking at the end...I've always loved the choir, and use it whenever I can.

I can't believe that I forgot chords! And it's a great idea of yours to reverb the piano...I never thought of that!

I'm so glad that an artist of your caliber can see potential in me! Thanks!


Hmm, there are definately improvements from the first.

BlackPlastic already said that it was somewhat repetative, as an ambient track it serves it's purpose well, and if I recall remember this song originated from just 4 notes right?

The lead does well for the piece, this song in my opinion is far sadder in nature then "WhenAngelsCry" due to it's somewhat repetitive nature and the melody itself is much sadder.

have you ever considered putting in some rain sfx? It may have made the song more emotional.

In any case, great work IamMark, i'd like to invite you to check out my work sometime. Keep up the good fight and keep them coming! Take it easy.

IamMark responds:

Well, I will have to return the favor, but I am pretty bad at reviewing songs. I are a movie buff =)

Rain sfx eh? never thought about that one. I'll have to look into it. And yes you are right, 4 notes started it all. It actually started off as a techno song to tell you the truth and then I found that pad and changed everything over to match it. The results actually gave me one helluva learning experience. If you noticed, right after I did this one, that was actually when I started getting a LOT more complex. but yet still a bit repetative...i think its writers block.
But thanks for another review.


I find it somewhat amusing you have a song called WhenAngelsCry, and I have one called When Demon's Cry XD.

I'm sorry, beside the point, onto the song itself!

Those vox provide a very subtle, sorrow essence, I must however comment on that lead synth you have in the background, I kinda felt that they bled the emotional impact from the piece.

I wonder if you had added some nice church bells, some nice deep tower bells, if this song would have sounded sadder. Bells and angels in torment seem to go very well in a song.

In any case, really good stuff IamMark. You may not remember, but long time ago I reviewed the first WeepingSouls on my MaestroSorrow account, i'm going to jump onto that song right now, and see what you have done with it!

Keep up the good fight IamMark, keep em coming!

IamMark responds:

Of course I remember that Maestro and I appreciate the comments just as I did before. And you are right, this song could use some bells and other stuff, but I am sure you know all about heavy loads on CPUs and boy did this one have a payload. The is only like 2 instruments in there that are not polymorphed. I'll do more with this one next time I upgrade my computer. Just as I did with WeepingSouls. Thanks for the review bud.


Wow... definately incredibly glitchy. Incredibly.

I can't even hope to make stuff like this XD. I wouldn't know where to start. The mix is incredible, the equalizing and mastering immaculate.

I'm sorry padman1 I don't have anything to criticize I have no idea how to, but I wanted to drop my support regardless, so here it is. Keep up the good fight and keep them coming!

dj-padman1 responds:

Thanks Maestro, but I dunno...I think you might see things in the future that are 3-400% more glitchified than this little number! Wait and see. :)
Thanks for your support, and remember I'd kill for your skill in classical. Hey, that rhymes!

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Selcuk Bor @MaestroRage

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