I had sworn I would never give 0 voters recognition by making a post as I know many of them are trolls and like to read about their actions, but it's time I put aside that mentality for a minute. This will likely be the only time and place I will ever talk about this.
I realize that a lot of my fellow colleagues including myself have been under heavy attack recently. Whether it is a group or a single person it's clear we've made enemies for submitting content. It's ironic to me that so many members whine about 0 attacks yet find it absolutely necessary to continue to attack others around them. After all, why not right? You who are fully aware how you felt when you are attacked, deem it fit to pass that frustration along. An endless cycle of hot potato.
It is especially sad to see accomplished artists take heavier and heavier blows as success follows them. You do this because you somehow hope that these attacks will deter them from submitting further. Break their spirits and make them give up so that you, the incompetent and impatient have a slightly higher chance of taking ill gained fame. The Newgrounds Audio Portal isn't a fair place after all, why not get to where you want to be by building bridges made from tombstones.
Great talent has left this site because you dear 0 rater, have won. You've won again and again and the Audio Portal has suffered for it. But even you, a poor wretch can not stop the evolution of this portal. As time comes by more talent of higher skill filter down. This place becomes more and more daunting and you of course panic. These new talents must be stopped at all costs.
You reach for your trusted 0.
I'm not sure for my colleagues you attack every day when I say you will never win. But I speak for myself when I say,
you will never win.
You will NEVER break me. You can wish, you can pray and you can cry all you want to yourself while you carry out your routine of attacking us, but in the end we will tower over your self justified irrational ego. I WILL keep submitting, track after track after track. Do with them as you will, as is your right, but know your attacks only serve to fuel me.
I get great pleasure in thinking about how you must squirm and justify why a track sucks and 0 vote it. How easy the mind convinces itself when a common goal between mind and mentality meet. I get even more pleasure in hoping by listening to my work you get a similar anger. A similar envy and jealousy. The desire to see my work and myself destroyed increasing with every day.
I push forward relentlessly to keep giving YOU the 0 rater this anger in the hopes it will consume you completely. In the hopes your anger explodes and you lose entire weeks relentlessly praying I get hit by lightning or a car that day. So that after all this is done you will have nothing. You will sit back and realize you've wasted your weeks, your days to a cause that not only didn't work, but backfired. You've failed yourself and your fans because all you could do with your time was spread anger and frustration.
Many of you will go "haha, as if!" and give me that 0 to "show me". But even that is proof of self justified anger. By all means, proceed 0 rater, I know your cool facade will vanish and a deep jealous rage will replace it. And that is when I start winning.
You will learn that in life whenever somebody better then you shows up, or an artist you don't want to become "famous" arrives you will not always have your beloved 0. You will not always have the right to try and convince these people they are no good by smashing into their work.
You will learn this and you will move on, as we all will. You dear 0 rater, are incapable of destroying us.