I consider this account an important chapter in my life

Selcuk Bor @MaestroRage

Age 37, Male

eCommerce Manager


Joined on 8/22/06

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MaestroRage's News

Posted by MaestroRage - October 3rd, 2007

Still busting my chops at University, but I decided, writing my musical story wouldn't kill too much time.

Some musicians I respect like MilkMan_Dan and Lacrioso are letting people know of their past, and the story behind their music. I have decided, for the sake of jumping on wagons, that I too shall write my history, but I shall write it in the way I see fit. Which embodies two key terms to describe it. Epic, and Irrelevant

It all started on the morning of Yesteryear times 4. Or to say, Late 17's. I was a troubled child who seemed to find programming and math fun. Yes indeed, those were dark and horrible days, many physciatrists have plunged deep into the realms of insanity to try and understand my mind. Oh for LORE, I spent many a day explaining, that my mind just did not go that deep.

I pray for them on a nightly basis :(

I was at grade 9 forced into an orchestra class. For in order to graduate I required a music credit, and as I sat there cursing Kahn and his wrath for putting me in this situation I realized that suddenly I did not care the Liberals were going to win that years election.

yes, that is how deeply I was hurt. Let them have the majority of the seats, I hope that failure comes swiftly to the heads of my enemies as their pensions plans are refused to them due to fund deficiencies!

Rubbing my thin grainy hands, and cackligiling *giggiling while cackling*, I was led to the room that would be the music room. The door opened and my eyes made contact with the grand Maestro of High School musicians! I must have interrupted a crucial moment because the French Hornist forgot that the mouth piece did not go into his eye.

"What do you play young man!" he bellowed, pointing his wretched broken down meter stick fiercely into my SOUL!

"I play, and this is no lie, THE TRIANGLE!"

the room shat themselves in horror and awe. Several flutists stood up smashing their seats back into the violinists, impaling their souls, thrusting the flutes deep into the guts of their worst enemies.

And then I realized I should probably answer the question, and also continue taking my medication.

"I play a wicked math book, allow me to demonstrate!" busting out the thickest math book I solved for him right there and then several algebraic formulas. To make it even more relevant to his query I scribbled in C minor, at 140 bpm.

Shedding tears of remorse and wonderment, he pointed me at the bass drum. Even a hamster with downsyndrome could smack a mallet to a large circular box like object on beat right?!


It was hilarious. He'd raise the stick

"No, when I point to y-"

"Okay, i'm not even pointing ye-"



"Sit down, AND NEVER SHALL THEE TOUCH ANOTHER INSTRUMENT!" and the athiests in the room immediatly lol'ed it up, because he said Thee, and that was hilarious.

And then I sat down and started to read my book, which I had borrowed from the library. I don't remember what book it was, only that it had pages, and that it also had no pictures.

I went to the office after class and I said to the guidance counseller I said, "Woman! You get me out of that class, and find me the happiness my mother could never give me >:("

Peering into my eyes, the what was now evidently, a man, took up his guidance book and started typing into his computer. Many minutes passed, and he had failed to pass the Solitaire game. For SHAME, I wanted to screech into the heavens, you formidible TWAT, THE JACK GOES ON TOP OF THE QUEEN, and then I giggled, because I was fairly sure that borderlined incest. Incest is wrong.

"You can't leave that class, all the other classes don't want you!"
"LIES!" I thundered, and unsheathed my +30 axe of retardation!
"YOU SHALL NOT PASS... THAT COURSE!" boomed my opponent while busting out his +50 red pen of fail! For many a day we made combat, the kind of shatters the very foundation of empires, the kind that is written in books to be ridiculed by youngsters of the coming years, because honestly, why not.

And at long last, when I had my axe zipping towards his head, he said "I shall let you DROP THE CLASS!"

"Then make it so wo-man? thing!" and with more clicks, and mother jokes, it was done. I was out of the orchestra class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To be continued!

True story!

================================EDIT ==== ECIT=====================

Part 2!

With my newfound victory of not having to attend music class, I went and in my spare, I programmed redudently simple option driven rpg's. In short, press 'a' to kick the midget, 'b' to backhand the midget, 'c', apologize to the midget, etc etc.

And I thought I was Sir Williams the Expert Coder, the Third. And such, grade 9 and 10 were blurs of clickings, and scribblings, and lol'ing at the musicians, and wondering why for the love of all that was fuzzy and pokable would anybody want to take something called the bow, and then rudely rub it suggestively on another object, which would screech out "rape!" albeit it was percieved as music at the time. There is debate about wether grade 9 and 10 musicians, do in fact, rape their instruments with what they try to pass off as "playing".

The only thing they were playing with was the well being of anybody who passed them. It was a fun game to punish the low scum of the school by forcing them to walk by the orchestra room. So full was their fate of agony, it brings great grief to recall it.

God rest their souls, a tear is shed for the fallen.

I'd ask for a moment of silence, but you're garuanteed the screeching of untuned madness to bleed your ears.

And so grade 11 hit, and I my gaming craze hit it's all new high. Deeming myself a "virtual athlete", I stormed the stormy IP server seas with my trusty mouse. I was also a very big Anime fan at the time. If Japan made it, chances were I had it, if Japan didn't make it, chances were I was blackmailing somebody into making it.

For those of you who have seen Fruits Basket.

I'm SO sorry :(.

At the time I found my first musician idol. Yuki Kajiura, composer for the anime series ./Hack Sign. When I first heard the tracks I was like "YOU ARE FULL OF LIES, AND ENTERTAINMENT!" and I busted out that tune like the elderly on bingo night.

And then I said to myself "this song is rightous enough for me to remix it". And I did in fact remix it. And I shall never show you, nor anybody this song ever again, it shall die with me. With my Fruity Loops 3 I thought I was the next Mozart. I was just doing this for kicks and giggles.

And then I said "the internet... she is ready for me D: " and for sure I was going to go up there with my Fruity preset filled crap and dominate the entire planet! The plan was within the end of the week the president himself would fly on down and give me large islands of Hawaii. Declare Tiesto a crack pot addict, and me the all new founder of modern art of audio!

I entered a competetion at RPG Wolfpack *now deceased :'(* and my first breath as MaestroEm-I mean MaestroSorrow was born.

I lost.

But the musician there took pity on my crap I called skill, and said "j00 r fail, use VST's!"

and I did, starting with Edirol, if you go to my old account, it's all made with that one VST, accept like 2 songs. Of course all those songs are equivalantly made of fail. Failure and Do not Pass Go. I did not even collect 200 dollars... Bullavard avenue was sadly out of my reach.

Half a year passed and people were starting to get angry at my overrated page. So many a letter was sent detailing how they would kill my unborn children, and then plant a large salt tablet in locations I wasn't sure of. Like my thyroid gland. Where was that exactly? I'd ask, because I felt it was important to know where I am being threatened before an appopriate lash back was created.

"Yeah... well... I'm going to kick your shins >:'(!"

And sadly i've lost interest in writing the rest of the story, it ends here for MaestroEmo, perhaps one day I shall write about MaestroAngerIssues, and the unknown identity of MaestroMoodSwings. If you made that account, seriously let me know, i've lost sleep. It's not cool.

Posted by MaestroRage - September 21st, 2007

So this year is promising to be an interesting one. Because for one, it has raped my schedule and life for the next 2 months.

Lets begin from the beginning.

I walked into this semester with a rather strange schedule, the classes I had picked and the classes I wanted, simply did not show up, and in their stead somewhat random classes. For example, I had Discrete Math 2 in the second semester, yet I did not have Discrete Math 1, I had said I wanted both throughout the year, yet they gave me 2 without giving me 1... should have right there and then figured something was messed. I had figured, maybe I was supposed to do these classes over what I picked *i'm in Computer Science Major*, and so didn't make a sound.

It came to my attention these classes did not seem to make any sense to me, and the level of difficulty was quite... high.

I made an appointment with the admission office to talk to them about these courses.

The hardest course I was taking, was hard, because the class needed 2 pre-requisate classes. Both of which I did not have...

"Okay, so what the hell happened here?!" was my first question, because truthfully, why would the system give me this class?

They didn't know, and so instead they had to reshuffle my classes 3 weeks into the semester.

For those who don't know, in most University Majors you have 3 tests, each test is worth 20-35% of your final grade. And the final can be 30-50%. I have been given Physics and Linear Algebra as new courses, 3 weeks late, and the first midterms are in 2 weeks.

So now i've got 2 courses to catch up on, AND already 2 courses to maintain, 3 of which are math, and 1 of which is rather simple, no problem.

In short my dear Newgrounders.

I. am. BONED

As of such, I will be shutting down all fronts of Newgrounds. For the next 2 months, I shall cease to exist. For those who care, i'm sorry, for those who don't, don't let the same thing happen to you.

Posted by MaestroRage - September 19th, 2007

As some of you may have noticed that the last two songs I submitted were outside my usual scope, and this trend will continue for a while longer. I am determined to pick up as many tricks and tips as I can concerning other genres to better further my understanding of music.

Here is a list of these experiments and why I made them.

He's a Pirate Dance Remix
I made this song to further my knowlede of dance and electronic arts. By definition of dance this song was a failure, symmetry is important in Dance, and the song jumps from 3/4 to 4/4 alot.

Simpler Times
Arbiter had challenged me of sorts to make a tune that wasn't sad/angry epic/noble and I took him up on the offer. Doing something else, it is a much happier vibe then previous works. It is still however epic, so I guess I wasn't COMPLETELY able to pass this one :/

Raw Energy
Designed to be for a FPS game held over at nyran-online.com this is my first DnB/IDM/Industrial beat ever. It holds a lot of tense energies, and breaks out towards the end into a hyper beat. Which is still very much under construction.

Wolf Team
A remix of the song played in the lounge of the game Wolf Team. A brilliant game. The purpose of the remix was to train my own ear on hearing somebodies work and taking it somewhere else, this was done with one hearing. As a result the song was obviously not 100% accurate to the one playing in the lounge, but it was damn close. So this, I consider a success.
Thats it for now. Thank you for your time.

Posted by MaestroRage - September 7th, 2007

The top 10 list for the [June Mac] is as follows!

1. David Orr - Four Brave Champions
2. Arbiter - MAC7 - Castlecrashers!
3. CornandBeans - Castle Crashers Menu Loop
4. MaestroRage - _-={Rage of the Champions}=-_
5. Waterflame - -Glorious morning-
6. Winterwind - Creature at the Mill
7. Tealnoise - Gargamell
8. MusicalRocky - La Batalla Afuera del Castillo
9. Rucklo - Indestructable
10. Bosa - ♪Domhail♪

Placed 4th in this great and wonderful contest, and truth be told, that was a great deal higher then I expected. I was up against some very high end powerful composers, such as Bosa, WinterWind-NS, DavidOrr, Arbiter, Cornandbeans, Zenon, Shadow16nh, and many more! To have placed fourth in this group is an honor in itself. I didn't enter this contest with the intention of winning, I couldn't sleep for a week just knowing that i'd finally get the chance to test my mettle against all these great artists!

I can still remember that alarmed fuzzy feeling. Must work, must make, must make better! was the line that constantly fed itself into my brain, and gave me the will to keep pushing when at times I felt like giving it all up! You should have seen me when people I had never heard of started submitting stuff. Alarming.

"Who is they, what is they, how good is they, how long have they" etc etc. The question list was as long and varied as the mold growing by my window sill.

All in all i've learned a HUGE deal from this contest. Having greatly enhanced power vibes, and writing more powerful movements, alongside a much better understanding at punshing percussion waves, like all projects and contests I undertake, it was all worth it!

Thank you for your time, I hope I did not bore you! Please listen to the top 10 songs, they are all brilliant in their own light!

In regards to the He's a Pirate remix it is for the time being done. I simply did not have the time to continue it. It is a time consuming job because i'm very new at it, so I must work much harder to make it sound somewhat respectable... oh well! Enjoy what there is thus far!

He's a Pirate Dance Remix V4

Posted by MaestroRage - August 31st, 2007

creating my first dance and remix ever. I never really liked doing remixes, because it seemed to be like taking somebody elses work and then kinda changing it. Like taking somebodies book and writing it different.

"no no... it's pronounced Alter, not Change :D!"

Though now I realize, it's just good fun. It's good to be able to sit back and just have fun every once in a while. A great way to pick up some interesting techniques as well. I'll be updloading my progress with the remix every once in a while! Then I will release the final version for the public!

He's a Pirate Dance Remix V3
This version Change:

- Bass Line plays a bit more of an important role
- Extended by about 20ish seconds
- Changed the songs melody a bit
- Added choir break in

He's a Pirate Dance Remix V2

This Version Change
- Faster bpm
- more full sounding
- truer to the original melody
- 20 seconds longer, but because it's faster, significantly longer


While we wait for the results of the MAC, i'd like to say a few things to all the people who leave reviews for me.

First off. Thank you very much.

I appreciate each and every word you write, and do not think I do not read them. I read each and every one and appreciate them all. However due to the site's missing features finding all the new reviews, and responding to ones I forget about have become very difficult. I can keep track of the first 6 or 7 rather well, however after that it becomes a game of guessing. Clicking on one whose score I think changed, and seeing if I was right.

If you have written me a review, and would like me to respond to it *and it's not on the most recent 5 or so*, please don't hesitate to also drop me a pm stating where it is. I will seek it and respond to it.

With that said, thank you for reading, I hope you will stick around to enjoy some of the works that can be found here!

Posted by MaestroRage - July 26th, 2007

Currently reviewed 67/147 entries

There are 152 submissions, I am not counting my own of course.

As some of you may be aware there is an audio contest currently being held by Tom Fulp and the crew to score for their upcoming release of Castle Crashers for XBox live arcade. More info at June MAC Thread.

I have currently 5 pieces submitted to the contest, and with that, the judging has began! I wish the best for all contestants, let the fight begin!

Entry 1 - Main Theme (removed)
Title: Remember Us
Notes: This song actually is longer then 2 minutes, and therefore is not allowed in the contest, I plan on taking the meaty epic core, and cutting out the gentle parts, keep it pure >:)!

Entry 2 - Boss Battle Theme
Title: The Desire to Destroy
Notes: This song was designed with the intention of being used in the fight against the large fighter who uses his shield to smite things. If you watch the trailer over at www.castlecrashers.com, you'll see whom i'm talking about.

Entry 3 - Game Over Theme 1
Title: Tell me Once Again
Notes: There is a nostalgic and somewhat sweet air to this tune. Perhaps not perfectly suited for the game, but not every hero is remembered as a vicious killing machine. The many good deeds, the many lives they were able to save will surly hail their champion with not how bloody they blade was, but how much blood they didn't spill.

Entry 4 - Generic Battle 1/Boss Theme 2
Title: Rage of the Champions!
Notes: Another driving powerful piece depicting the powerful heroes at their dirtiest. Forgetting all noble thoughts and actions to absolutely crush their enemy absolutely.

Entry 5 - Game Over theme 2
Title: Into That Gentle Night
Notes: This one reflects of the attempts of our heroes failures on a more personal level. The slow funeral march drums speaks of efforts and actions committed in vain. Though their arms were strong, the strength of their enemies were simply stronger.

Entry 6 - Ambient Level theme
Title: Deranged Sanctuary
Notes: This was created with the image of a great castle hall. But of course, it is a ruined, fallen castle. Some inspiration was also drawn from Lion Head's own Fable 2 screen shot found here!

June MAC, crunch time!

Posted by MaestroRage - July 20th, 2007

Last week a very good friend of mine lost his mother. We are a close group of friends creating an online game, in which I am a part of. We are all shaken by this loss, and wish Tom, our best.

I have stopped all projects for the time being in order to make Tom a requiem. It is not easy to lose somebody close to you, and I would not wish such an event on my worst enemy.

So here's to you Tom. Keep up the good fight, and may you live your days swimming in pleasant memories of your mom.

Posted by MaestroRage - July 18th, 2007

So I was surfing teh internets one day, when a good friend of my brought a contest to my attention held over at soundsonline.com. The contest entailed that I was to compose to a 2 minute movie clip, and i've never had to work so hard in my life for 2 minutes worth of audio. Pulling no short corners, and pushing myself to the limit, and then some, this was born!

Mind Break - Animation by Zennor Alexander

The audio file for this song will probably find its way to my page soon, however without watching the clip it may not make much sense, as it jumps around, and changes directions too much. In any case, I hope you enjoy!