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Some people have been pm'ing me asking what song I have that might suit their needs. More often then not I make a few suggestions, and we come to a point where we agree I have something for them or not. On top of that as the list gets bigger and the amount of songs increase, users who want to listen to a specific type of song will find themselves looking at emotionless icons and lose interest. In order to help all the people interested in having a listen I have categorized every song in my list into Main Branches and then added descriptive words for the songs that fall under those main branches. If you think a descriptive word should be added or removed from a certain song, please let me know.
- All songs with a '*' at the beginning indicates that those songs can be used easily in flashes as background tracks.
- Some songs will have "Hybrid[Type 1/Type 2] which indicates that the song has multiple feels to it, and changes from it's Main Branch into the type described within the Hybrid brackets
- Songs are listed chronically in their categories. By that I mean the ones up higher on the list were completed more recently, the ones at the bottom are the first ones I made for that catagory.
Hope this helps!
*Endearing Blaze - (Ambiance / Loopable)
*Wolf Team - (Battle / Hopeful / Epic/Remix)
Mighty Hails - (Great Epic / Requiem / Hybrid[Sad Battle Epic])
*The Djsou Forest - (LadyArsenic Collab / Nostalgic/Fantasy)
*Tell me Once Again - (Game Over Theme / Nostalgia / Remembrance / Loopable)
Wolven Shrine - (Hybrid[Angry/Battle] / Wolves/Requiem)
Cowering Savagery - (Lullaby like/Epic / Journey)
Sunset Requiem - (Requiem / Depressing / Forgiveness)
BrotherHood - (Deep friendship / Nostalgic memories)
An Ambitious Spirite - (Mystical/Epic / Strength)
Precious Seconds - (Gradual Buildup)
Subito Crudelo - (LadyArsenic / Epic/Tense)
*Into That Gentle Night - (Loopable / Game Over Theme)
Constituting Realities - (Depressing / Lullaby Like)
When Demons Cry - (Depressing / Mourning)
Gazing at the Sunset - (Mourning / Sentimental)
The World's Truth
High Spirited/Battle
The Deads Witness - (Noble / Defiance / Grand Fantasy / Extended)
An Unseen Dance - (Hybrid[Sad / Emotional] / Slight values of Angry)
An Endless Desert *ext* - (Epic / Hybrid[Deep Angry Battle])
Raw Energy - (Hybrid [Tense / Frantic Battle] / Percussive)
He's a Pirate Dance Remix - (Battle Epic / Remix)
*The Desire to Destroy - (Battle Epic / Chaotic / Tribal / Loopable)
Remember Us - (Sad Epic / Ethnic Diverse / Hybrid [Sad / Emotional])
*Victorious Day - (High Spirits / Defiance / Nobility / Loopable)
Arise Sleeper - (Noble / Defiance / Hybrid [Mystical / Energetic])
The Dead's Witness - (Noble / Defiance / Grand Fantasy)
These Angels of War - (Noble / Defiant / Epic / Choirs)
For Generations After - (Noble / Military)
The Spread of Chaos - (Anger / Choir)
An Ambitious War - (Defiant / Strength)
The Tank's Thunder - (Defiant / Marching / It all started here...)
*Apocalypse - (Epic / Hatred / Chaos)
*Rage of the Champions - (Supreme Epic /Dark Chaos / Final Boss Theme / Loopable)
Blood Fields - (Epic / Advancing Armies / Chaos / Hybrid [Bitter Hope / Defiance])
Wrath of a Broken Soul - (Hatred / Vengeful / Hybrid [Sad / Emotional/ Victorious])
The Metal Visage - (Tense / Dark Energy / Hybrid [Chaos / Hatred / Anger / Sentimental])
*Dark Skies - (Frantic / Urgent / Dark / Heated Battle / Loopable)
Corrupted Matrimony - (Remix of Wedding Song)
These Games we Play - (Tense / Madness / Hybrid[Battle])
*Deranged Sanctuary - (Epic / Deserted / Tense / Loopable)
For My Lady - (Valentines Gift, Calm, Soothing, Guitar work, Relaxing, Ocean oriented)
*Simpler Times - (Village Theme / Innocence)
Vengeful Mind Break - (Diverse / Hybrid [Angry / Sorrow])
Lacrioso's Breeze - (Lacrioso Collab / Remembrance / Nostolgia)
Passionate Freedoms - (Bliss / Joy / Epic / Adventure!)
A Warm Storm in Avalon - (Happy / Epic / Defiant / Noble)
The Rite of Passage - (Mystical / Epic / Adventure / Energetic)
A Place for Dreams - (Lullaby / Remembrance)
A Warm Wind in Avalon - (Pleasant / Innocence / Warm / Joyful)
Cloak of Wonderment - (Nostalgic / Calm / Serene)
The Morning Mist - (Sad / Emotional)
Atop A gentle Home - (Nostalgic / Sad / Epic)
Defiance - (Defiant / Noble / Subtle Anger)
*This Frozen Land - (Loopable / Sad / Sorrow / Icy)
Crumbling Cathedrals - (Angry / Evil / Darkness Epic)
*The Djsou Forest - (LadyArsenic Collab / Nostalgic / Fantasy)
Subito Crudelo - (LadyArsenic / Epic / Tense)
Lacrioso's Breeze - (Lacrioso Collab / Remembrance / Nostolgia)
The Woman's Roar - (Sentimental / Strength / Unity)
Misc, I don't rightly know where to put them :(
Newgrounds Spectrum - (Auras / Hybrid[Energetic / Noble / Neutral / Dark / Rage / Joyful / Fab])
The Epic Christmas - (Joke / Evil Santa)